not so cruel | 25

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"... i'm not so cruel niragi." y/n whispered as she held the gun. she stepped back and took the bag that makoto had and made sure to put safety on, and put the gun in the bag. taking the bag from makoto as he pouted and crossed his arms. 

"can i at least hold it?" he whined out, loud enough for niragi to hear. "how old is he?" niragi whispered with a raised eye brow. y/n didn't bother to look back and just half-heartedly glared at makoto. "twelve and no makoto you cannot." y/n replied to both people with glares and a roll of her eyes. 

"is he your boyfriend?" makoto asked and y/n laughed out, "seriously makoto? do you really think a person would try to kill their own boyfriend?" makoto shrugged and replied, "yeah, people are insane." she shook her head and mumbled, "well the answer is no." 

"why's he coughing blood?.." he asked in disgust while he eyed the man with a grossed expression. "that i don't know." y/n replied while finally turning around, as niragi continued to cough. 

"right, what happened to you?" niragi finally stopped and looked up to see y/n crouched in front of him. "i don't know." he replied with a shrug of his shoulders. she sighed and looked through the bag, she handed him a bottle of water and sighed again. "clearly you have a chest infection..." y/n muttered and looked through the bag once more to see if she had the pills she took. 

she widened her eyes in surprise. "why're you helping me?" she only shrugged her shoulders and then finally stood up. "that i don't also know but it's best for you to stay and rest for the time being and take water from time to time, me and makoto here will be on our way." 

"you're just gonna ignore the fact i confessed my love for you?" y/n scoffed in disbelief again, "love? you love or loved me niragi? in a cruel world like this? how could one fall in love in this world, honestly you're just setting yourself up for death in my opinion. feelings are things that make you weak." 

"don't you care for makoto? your friends, arisu, usagi, kuina, chishiya and everyone else?" y/n stiffened and looked at makoto. "those are feelings y/n. caring for someone." niragi stated as he leaned more into the car. 

"we'll be off now niragi." y/n didn't bother to look back and wave the man good-bye as she and makoto left. makoto looked at niragi with scrunched up eyebrows but soon gave him a smile and waved before leaving. 


y/n heard talking and she looked up to see chishiya and arisu. y/n widened her eyes to see the both of them. "chishiya? arisu?" y/n called out as makoto gripped on her hand. they both looked at her in sync and widened their eyes. "y/n?" 

"wonderful meeting you guys!" she grinned then was about to introduce makoto to them but she soon was engulfed in a hug by arisu. and chishiya followed behind, a faint smile on his lips. he then looked down and saw her bandaged up. "nice to see you too arisu." y/n breathed and finally the hug ended. they both looked down at the boy. 

"this is makoto, and makoto these are arisu and chishiya my friends." the two made eye contact and gulped before smiling down at makoto. "you know many people n/n..." makoto mumbled while observing the two men. y/n scoffed and glared at makoto. "i don't, i just happen to bump into those i know." y/n mumbled, "huh? did you bump into kuina or ann?" y/n shook her head and was about to reply, "some guy named niragi? narigi?" makoto said while he scratched his head. 

both the men stiffened and widened their eyes at what makoto said. "niragi? he's alive?" y/n scoffed and said, "barely-" but she was engulfed in another hug. she widened her eyes as she stumbled and looked at who it was. usagi. 

"y/n!" she chuckled and patted usagi's back. "usagi, nice seeing you at such a fine day." y/n huffed out. chuckling once more. she was about to say another thing but noticed the blimp now over where they were. "hide!" y/n warned while pulling makoto behind something immediately. her heart beat quickened and she looked at makoto with wide eyes. "ge...get out of here makoto, please, get out of here. go to... go to niragi! get out!" y/n shouted over the gunshots and locked eyes with the boy who nodded his head rapidly, tears running down his face. 

"am i gonna lose you too?..." y/n's heart shattered at the words but she smiled and shook her head, "of course not!" but she didn't promise did she?" 

𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐬𝐨 𝐢𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 ' (𝙖𝙞𝙗𝙭𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧)Where stories live. Discover now