weirdos... | 08

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you and arisu walked side by side behind hatter and you kept hearing the male let out shaky breaths

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you and arisu walked side by side behind hatter and you kept hearing the male let out shaky breaths. you didn't mean to be mean or rude but you let out a giggle as he did it, he looked at you with embarrassed eyes and looked down.

everyone sat around the table except you and arisu. you didn't know why but you started to be all nice and feel bad about these people around you. you started to actually feel. you noticed the looks thrown your way and you sighed while tilting your head and giving them a forced sarcastic smile.

chisiya waved at the two of you and you didn't wave back, simply ignoring him and turning your head to hatter. you then hear arisu say 'it's you' and you give him a confused look before shrugging and looking back at hatter and mira. mira listed out the cards being collected today.

"until now, we still haven't found any of the face cards." she pointed out while walking to her own seat. hatter then looked at you confused, wondering why you're standing with arisu and not on your seat.

"if face cards do not exist then we're left with ten of hearts."

you and arisu stared into the ten of hearts with your eyebrows furrowed. you were wondering what type of game it would be and you had the worst scenarios. you didn't know whether arisu or usagi were your friends but nonetheless you were afraid of losing them, they were making you feel that spark again along with the others.

"maybe there needs to be a condition for it to appear." ann said with a sigh. "maybe it's not in tokyo..." that could be a possibility but there has never been a game outside of tokyo before.

"the strategy won't change." hatter interrupted the two's argument. "we will continue investigating the game arena in town."

you looked over at arisu and hummed. "make sure you have days left on your visas and keep a lookout for the ten of hearts." pausing hatter looked down, "i need to replenish my visa soon." with what the number one said you catched on how aguni looked over at the last boss and niragi as they both looked too. there was something up.

"there's a way to earn visa days for sure." mira says catching the attention of not only hatter but also you. "heart games let you toy with the hearts and feelings of others." you knew that too well. "if you bring those that don't mind dying, you'll survive for sure." this made you frown.

no matter the fact many people don't mind dying, they'll still be afraid and scared of it. you didn't mind dying but you were afraid of how you would die... you were still scared of it but you didn't mind it...

mira then mentions arisu and you frown at that, looking over at arisu. hatter pointed his arms out towards arisu and said, "as someone who cleared a hearts game, do you have any advice for us arisu?" you looked over at the man beside you and gulped hatter then said, "you too y/n? afterall you did survive the 8 of hearts game, all alone!" you took a sharp breath in and looked down. catching the attention of everyone in the room.

hatter then laughed and mira smirked at him. you bit your tongue and shut your eyes before opening them once again and let out a breath you've been holding. arisu looking over at you in worry and concern.

"on top of that, we won't know what type of game it is until registration closes." ann joined in. but the more they talked and argued the more you didn't listen. but as you were in deep thought, something that hatter announced slightly shocked you.

"i'll join in the next game." you had that bad feeling once again in the pit of your stomach. "be it spades or hearts. someone like me with a 100% winning rate could clear it so easily!" you shook your head at that and huffed out, making arisu look at you.

"the day from where we gather all cards and depart from this country is near!" you didn't believe so. you knew things would only become more difficult and everyone would have to face more difficulty and shit.

you noticed the way aguni looked over at his friend emptily. the two of them were now separate and sat rather far from each other. it was odd. something definitely happened in their friendship and they made it far too obvious with the way they sat far from each other and were rather what seemed like avoiding each other.

as the meeting was dismissed, arisu was held back by hatter, telling everyone else to leave except him. this made you leave the room in hesitation. chisiya and ann looked at you oddly. probably because of your odd behavior.

you were walking back to your room, chisiya and ann in front of you the entire time. you watched them weirdly, why are they acting weird.

"do you like him y/n?" chisiya finally spoke, you widen your eyes at the question asked towards you and you were in shock. did they really think that?

"who? arisu?" you spoke out with your voice slightly shaking, you've never had a crush here before and it would be a great risk if you did manage to fall in love with anyone here. chisiya turned around and so did ann, as they both nodded their heads.

"i mean, he seems interesting and cool but i don't like him in that way..." you answered with your eyes still wide. chisiya hummed and turned back around, although you did notice the redness of his ears. "would you date him?" a voice behind you asked out, you turned around and found kuina with usagi.

"what? what's up with the questions?!" you yelled out, your arms flying up. kuina hummed and smirked, so did the two behind you. "would you date any of us?" ann asked behind you and you glared at her. "you guys are acting really weird and as if we're friends. what the hell is going on? and n-" before you could even answer kuina interrupted. "by looks."

"still n-" you were interrupted once again, "be honest about it and don't lie, we do have a person who can tell a lie here~" usagi stayed quiet the whole time, watching you and waiting for your answer.

"as much as you guys are good looking-" this time chisiya interrupted, "so you think we're good looking? attractive?" why were they acting so weird?

"what? never mind, the answer is no!" you burst out while looking at them with a weird look on your face. they all sighed and shook their heads. "i thought we were your friends y/n." chisiya mumbled while smirking at you.

"i don't remember the word we, it was only usagi and maybe arisu." you pointed out with a raised brow. slightly getting annoyed by all this. usagi smiled at this and looked at kuina with a smirk. kuina rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

"but like really y/n, would you date any of us? would you date all of us?" this was getting far too weird. what was up with these questions? you shook your head and sighed. the others letting out huffs and pursing their lips.

"weirdos..." you mumbled before walking away from the group. chisiya and ann hearing this. chisiya let out a smirk and ann side eyed you. 

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