jack of clubs | 21

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everyone watched each other intently. as two groups were now standing, separate from each other, watching the big screen. you smirked as the other team had to go first. a blue haired person walked up to the front with paper in hand and she read it, with a sigh of relief. you knew the sound well and you grinned. a giggle escaping your lips. 

she then signaled them that it had three words in it. making you tilt your head to the side and watch in amusement as she pointed to her self then formed a heart and then pointed to her group. easy. 'i love you.' 

the group guessed easily and now it was your teams turn. making you watch as a old man with a nurse outfit on walked to the front a paper in hand. he opened it and sighed in relief at the paper. it was probably easy. as he signaled to you guys that there was exactly three words again. this made you nod and watch him intently and focused. not caring about the whispers being heard. he crouched on the ground and squinted to then act as if he had lost them. easy. losing your glasses. 

you pressed the button and said it confidently. "losing your glasses." he grinned at you and nodded his head, the robotic voice sounding through the speakers, telling you that you got it correct. eight more left. shouldn't be too hard right? the other team went again and this time they lost. the person that guessed getting a little electrocution. it made you grin widely to see their expression and hiss at the pain. were you insane at this point? ... 

they guessed some more until they all gave up. there wasn't a rule against giving up, nobody got electrified but they all lost one "life". only having four chances left. 

a brunette in your team got up, and it looked like she was in high school. you tilted your head at her as she frowned down at the paper to then let out a puff of air, letting everyone know that it wouldn't be so easy. the challenge made you grin widely and you watched in excitement as she signaled to you guys that it was one word. 

it looked like she knocked on the door then stepped in and bowed to then walk to a imaginary seat. it made you frown in confusion at first then widened your eyes in realization, you were about to tap the button but somebody else beat you to it. "apologizing!" it made you laugh out loud, but you guess you could see where he's coming from. the girl sighed and shook her head, the guy letting out a hiss and a groan of annoyance. you then tapped on the button and confidently said, "late." she grinned widely and nodded her head. leaving the front of the area and back to your team. 

everyone watched you in interest, but it was quite easy in all honesty to guess if you focused hard enough and watched the expressions or the way the person's body moves. 

it has exactly been an hour in here. and everyone was dying to get out and get a breath fresh of air. there was no food or water. it made you cuss out but you focused on the game. you noticed somebody had a line on the front of their collar. you smirked after finding out that that person had one chance left and if they guessed wrong. they're dead. they were probably gonna sit out for the entire game and not say a thing but you knew that they would need to act out and if everyone guessed wrong and all gave up. dead. 

everyone was back into their spots and your team had exactly four left as the other team... well they had six left. it wasn't bad but everyone noticed that they were growing annoyed and mad at how your team was doing much better than them. your team would be able to just sit and relax while watching them guessing and acting. 

their expressions sent towards you was amusing. they hated you. because you knew the answers and they all accused you of cheating, seeing the paper which made you laugh out loud. it was your team's turn and the person grinned. it made you sigh in relief and believed that you would guess this correctly once more. 

the person from your team grinned brightly and smiled and was full of joy. it made you frown in confusion, you felt eyes on you and you tilted your head, the person watched in shock and confusion as you couldn't get this one right out of all of the others... this one was surely the easiest right? 

his smile faded and soon enough he acted out like there was something bright hitting him, he covered his eyes with his arm and squinted. you still didn't get it. you frowned and then someone bumped into you, slapping the button and yelling out, "bright!" 

you gasped and tilted your head in confusion. why'd he smile and look so joyful then? you scoffed and then the person who had exactly one chance left got up and looked at their own team. eyes showed horror and fear. they then cleared their throat and started to act as though they were eating something. 

their team guessed all wrong and eventually gave up. making them let out a scream and pleaded for their team to guess once more but they only watched in question and said no. blood splattered around right after someone said, "we give up." the body falling to the ground and their eyes empty. 

everyone gasped and all started to whisper. someone then took the paper and widened their eyes after finding out what it was... "pizza?" 

it was now your teams turn and it was your turn. you were forced and pushed in front, the paper in your hands as you stared at the three words written on it. i miss you. 

"huh?" you muttered and scratched your head while gulping and tried to figure out how to exactly do this. point to yourself. but what about the 'miss' part? how exactly were you gonna act that out.? after about a few minutes passed you figured something out. 

you pointed to yourself and placed both palms on your heart while swaying side to side, you mentally cursed yourself, then pointed into wherever. 

"i adore you?" wrong. 

"i admire you?" wrong 

there was a total of seven people that guessed and they all were wrong, they all were about to give up but the high schooler girl guessed it correctly. "i miss you!" 

you sighed and left the front while cursing yourself out. "that barely looked like missing somebody..." you heard someone say in your group and you rolled your eyes before scoffing and glaring at the person. 


one left. three for the other team. and this all would end. well this game. it was currently the other team's turn and they had all guessed correct. it was something about proposing but you couldn't care less. wanting nothing but this game to end. two more left for them. 

the person in your team let out a groan of panic and a puff of air. it amused you and you grew confused when all the person did was stand then his figure taking a step back and leaning. it confused not only you but everyone in your team. 

"do you know?" someone asked beside you and you shook your head while focusing and thinking deeply about the persons' moves. the tension was very thick in the air as everyone that guessed, guessed wrong. and you didn't bother to press the button and guess as you knew you were gonna be wrong. 

everyone was bound to give up and so were you but then you noticed how the person froze and then looked at his shadow... 

the person locked eyes with you and smirked as they had noticed you figured it out. you pressed the button and proudly said, "shadow." 

𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐬𝐨 𝐢𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 ' (𝙖𝙞𝙗𝙭𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧)Where stories live. Discover now