game | 02

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( author : u guys plz- my brothers r watching aib js bc it's trending on tt help 😭💀 , anyways love you guys <3 )

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( author : u guys plz- my brothers r watching aib js bc it's trending on tt help 😭💀 , anyways love you guys <3 )

Y/n found herself on a stool, reading people and letting out grumbles while taking sips of alcohol from time to time.

As she was busy reading and looking at people she didn't notice the two from earlier pop up. She shook her head and groaned, another head ache coming in.

For the rest of the day the woman, Y/n, stayed at the same spot and observed everyone with a hint of amusement. She caught two ladies glaring at one another as the man stood between them with a smirk, it made Y/n scoff and roll her eyes but found it quite amusing in a way.

The sky soon turned into a dark shade of blue and Y/n stood up from the stool while quickly getting herself a cup of coke. She fogot that there was a game and almost drank too much alcohol but stopped after realizing there was a game she needed to attend.

Y/n pursed her lips and went inside her room quickly, putting on some low rise shorts and replacing her heels with a much more comfortable foot wear.

And now everyone, including Y/n, were listening and watching Hatter as he did his little speech with a grin syretched across his face.

As Hatter did his speech, Y/n watched the area, catching both newbies together with their eyebrows furrowed slightly. A hum escaped her lips and then she moved her gaze away from the two and saw the man she knew as Chishiya and the woman Kuina together in the corner while whispering to one another.

As she stared at the two, the blonde male caught her gaze and they locked eyes. Y/n oh so slowly stretched a smirk on her face. The man only looking away from her and continuing to whisper to Kuina. It made Y/n let out a giggle.

She's never talked to anyone here really after her best friend died in front of her. She stopped communicating and stayed quiet, only talking when asked to or when needed.

After Hatter finished his speech everyone except Y/n, Kuina, Chisiya and the newbies. They all excitedly left the area with hapoy chatters. It annoyed Y/n. How could someone be so happy and excited when attending a game? That could end their life with one wrong move.

Y/n slowly walked out of the area. She felt a prescense near her, turning her head to the side she saw the new man. Her eyebrow raised up and her head tilted slightly.

"Sorry, looks like we're in the same game!" He chirped with nervousness and there was a hint of relief which made Y/n look at him confused.

Ignoring what he said she then hummed and walked to the car with the newbie following behind her like a lost puppy, the thought made Y/n let out a snicker.

"I'm Arisu.!" He introduced himself while his gaze still on the executive. Was he trying to befriend her? If so... She couldn't handle seeing more people she cared about, die. So she stayed quiet and stared him down, he started to feel uneasy and scratched the back of his head.

Guilt started to eat her up, he was only trying to be nice and become maybe friends, why was she being so... Nevermind. Letting out a sigh she then sighed and looked at him with a smile.

"Y/n. That's my name..." He looked up surprised and he smiled at her kindly. She smiled back of course. "How long have you been here?" Y/n slightly stiffened at the question and then squinted her eyes in thought.

"I don't know... I lost count." She mumbked while looking around, she then noticed the other executive Ann to be inside, eyeing the two of them. She looked away and continued to look out the window.

"Oh, well-" Arisu was only interrupted as the car came into a stop and everyone stepped out without a problem, some even had smiles on their faces but that soon will be wiped away any second now.

To get to the arena of the game they had to walk down many stairs which made some of the players let out complaints. The h/c haired woman found it funny.

Finally arriving there were maybe 5 or less phones placed on the table. Ann didn't hesitate to grab one and looked at Arisu with an unreadable expression on her face.

"Well, do your best." With that the woman left both Arisu and Y/n. Y/n shrugged her s/c shoulders and also took a phone with a hum, she didn't wait for Arisu and just left him. He soon followed behind her footsteps as he observed Y/n.

Deep in thought. She seemed to be intimidating but deep inside he knew she was kind and a wonderfuk person. Sure she did seem to be threatening and a person you wouldn't wanna be with but Arisu knew there was a reason why she masked up.

Sighing a woman then walked up to the two.

"Hi! I'm Kuina, nice to meet you!" Arisu flinched at the sudden voice but soon turned his head towards the woman, Y/n stopped and looked at her with her eyes observing her.

They both continued to greet one another and Y/n rolled her eyes at this, continuing to walk to where the actual game is located. She flinched at a call for Ann.

"Water is starting to spurt out! It's filling the area!" The man she knew all to well, he was kind and somewhat always happy. Tatta. Y/n liked him, but something that bothered her about him is that he's always so happy and... Encouraging?

As Ann listened to Tatta, he then left Anns gaze and looked over at Arisu. They both widened at each other and started to talk to one another, Y/n rolled her eyes at this and mumbled out curses. Leaving them behind and heading to the game area.

"Leave the formalities later after the game." Ann bit out in annoyance, making Y/n smile. Y/n liked Ann. She had this aura that catched Y/n's interest.

There was an amount of maybe 9 or 8 people in the room. All looking worried as they eyed the water bursting out uncontrollably and violently, not stopping at all. The noise of electricity was heard which caught even more people's attention.

This game was a diamonds game which made Y/n let out a sigh, she wasn't bad at diamonds but it definitely wasn't her thing. It made her huff out in annoyance which made some look over at her with raised eyebrows. Knowing her as one of the very best players in the Beach.

"The last diamond card we need." Ann stated while fixing her glasses. Kuina hummed and then continued to smoke her cigarette.

Game : Light Bulb
Question : Which switch turns on the light ?

Rule number one : Only one switch among A, B, and C will turn on the light bulb.
Rule number two : You only have one chance to flip a switch while the door is open. If the door is closed, you can flip the switches as much as you like.
If there's someone in the room or if the switch is on, the door cannot be locked in place and cannot moved. As you only have one chance to come up with an answer as a group.
If you answer correctly, which switch turns on the light bulb. You clear the game.
If the water level rises and touches the electrical wires.
It's game over !


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