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chapter six:
la rutina
[the routine]
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IT WAS YOUR WEEKEND OFF, and you decided to spend the entire day shopping for christmas gifts. well, almost the entire day. you were carrying loads of bags from different brand names, and you noticed that you had missed a lot of diego's calls. you turned on your phone to text him.


diego mi chaparrito ☝️😊

sorry i wasn't calling
i'm christmas shopping
i thought it be the perfect day to do so

i get it, you have the day off
i was wondering if you could drive to villahermosa
i have something for you 😄


walking to the parking lot, you had your bags on one hand and your keys in another. it was a struggle, but you did it somehow. you opened the trunk to place the bags, and soon you opened the front door to get on and start driving.

you opened the maps app and started typing in the address diego sent you.

"what the fuck?" the ride was about to be a long one, but you knew it was going to be worth it. the ride was about nine hours long, and you already had some goodies that you could snack on the way.

on your stop to the gas station, you decided to send diego a voice recording using a sinister tone, "you didn't tell me the ride was going to be this long."


you arrived around the early morning. diego still had hope that he was going to see you later, so he decided to stay up by watching movies.

you parked in front of his house, and walked to the door, knocking.

"thought you'd never come," diego said, opening the door for you, "make yourself at home!"

"you made it sound like it was an emergency," you posed, "but the emergency has finally arrived."

you set your purse in the counter. diego walked into the kitchen, "quieres algo de comer?"

you refused, "no gracias." you already ate a bunch of junk food on your way and you didn't want to upset your stomach even more.

"anyway, what did you want from me?"

"i'm leaving to go to spain next week," diego explained, "and i am wondering if you want to go spend the holidays with me."

a holiday with diego sounded very exciting. you never went to spain, but you had an idea of how the vacation would go. diego was also enthusiastic about it. the thought of you meeting his parents already got his heart melting.

diego smiled, "what do you think?"

"you really didn't have to do that for me," you looked at him, "but if that's what you want, then yes."

diego started cheering although he began to yawn since he stayed up all night just to see you. you had a concerned look on your face, "diego, do you want to head to sleep? you look exhausted."

Hold On ✹ Diego LainezWhere stories live. Discover now