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chapter eleven:
el chisme
[the gossip]
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YOU STEPPED INSIDE louis vuitton, preparing yourself for another day at the job. vivianna was waiting for you on the couch, wanting to hear the chisme from you.

you left your stuff at a designated area, with the exception of your phone. afterwards, you sat down next to vivianna at the couches.

she singed, "y/n!"

you joined and began singing off-key, "vivi!"

"so?" vivianna leaned closer to you, "so how was your trip?"

you nod, "it was really good, i had fun looking at the attractions."

vivianna smirked, "what do you mean by that?"

you playfully pushed her, "ay vivi! eres muy frikitona!"

you realized you said that out loud that even bianca could heard your conversation with vivianna. bianca yelled from the office, "watch your language!"

vivianna was giggling, and you rolled your eyes at her. "damn, you got so defensive real quick! i know what that means, y/n is in love!"

you smacked your lips, and gave in, admitting your feelings about diego. "yeah, probably because we are officially novio y novia!"

her reaction was big. she started bouncing, and held your hands, squealing as if you two are in a slumber party. "oh my god, i knew it! i knew it was going to happen before valentine's!"

valentine's day. the day of romance was almost a month away, and now that vivianna brought the holiday, you were now thinking about what you're gifting him.


you were in the restroom, outside of the stalls with your phone on your hand. "vivi..."

in front of you was vivianna, who was just finishing up washing her hands. she grabbed a paper towel to dry her hands, and responded afterwards. "yes?"

you awkwardly giggled, showing vivianna your instagram page, "what if i, you know, make my instagram public?"

"y/n, don't do it yet!" vivianna freaked out, snatching the phone away from you. vivianna clicked on your user icon to go back to your photos and everything.

vivianna passed you your phone. "i was just kidding, i'm not going to do it now."

vivianna was in relief, "whew. besides, you know how rowdy fans could get. they're going to hunt you down."

you agreed, "i know."

"has anyone requested to join the past couple months?"

your instagram account had about 2,500 followers. your followers consist of people that you were close with, acquaintances, university peers, some celebrities that visited to this specific location, and most recently, diego and his friends. safe to say, the fans haven't caught you yet.

"surprisingly, no," you said, "that clip of me at the bad bunny concert didn't help much considering that the quality was blurry. like does this face remind you of [celebrity lookalike]?"

vivianna examined your face and gasped, "oh my god y/n, i lowkey see it! but in all seriousness, keep it private until you feel comfortable showing yourself to everyone."

you nod, "yeah, some privacy would mean a lot to me right now."


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