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YEARS HAD PASSED since you first met diego in mexico city, and your life had taken unexpected turns, leading you to new york city to pursue your dreams in the fashion industry. as you stood in your hotel room overlooking the eiffel tower, you couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and trepidation as you prepared to present your latest collection for louis vuitton during paris fashion week.

"this is it, i made it," you looked over to diego, who wanted to show up for you. 

diego had been your biggest supporter, rock, and inspiration. you had asked him to paris fashion week not just to celebrate your success, but also to accompany you as you began this new chapter in your career.

your heart beat with excitement as you put on the outfit you had made for the occasion. this was the moment you'd been looking for: to display your talent on one of the most prestigious event in the fashion industry.

just as you were completing your makeup, diego's eyes widened in surprise as he took in your beauty, and his expression was one of appreciation and pride.

"ay dios mio," he murmured quietly, "te miras muy guapa."

"thank you diego," you placed your hands on your chest, "you mean the world to me."

"your designs are going to look amazing to the world," diego said with certainty, "they're going to be captivated by your creations, just as i am for years."


as you approached the venue, the intensity of paris fashion week engulfed you like a warm embrace. the streets were filled with excitement and anticipation. you could feel the city's pulse throbbing beneath you, drawing you closer to your goal.

inside the event, the atmosphere was electrifying as celebrities and people working behind-the-scens mixed, their talks brimming with expectation. cameras flashed, music played, and the scent of anticipation filled the air.

you and diego took your seats among the sea of fashion elite, your hearts racing with nervousness and excitement. the moment had finally arrived—the moment you had been waiting for since you first moved to new york city years ago.

as the lights darkened and the first model walked down the runway, the audience became silent, their anticipation growing with each passing second. and then, in a burst of music and light, your collection sprang to life, each garment a work of art in both design and execution.

you waited with bated breath as your creations floated down the runway, each more stunning than the last. the audience gasped in admiration, drawn to the delicate nuances and inventive silhouettes that had become your signature. the final model went down the runway, and the audience exploded in cheers that echoed off the venue walls. 

as you made your way backstage, you would hear all the models reaching in for a hug.

"oh my goodness, y/n! these designs came amazing!"

"and this is your first time doing a collection, too? i am stunned!"

you smiled at them, "ladies stop, you're making me blush." 

just as you continued making conversation with the models, diego would then come in.

"oh my god, diego, you're ruining a girl's moment!" you joked.

he reaches in for a kiss on your cheek, "well, i'm going to be one of the girls today and say that you blew everyone's minds with your collection today."

the models all looked at you two in awe, and you thanked diego in the meantime.

with diego's remarks ringing in your ears, you walked past the crowd of well-wishers and industry experts, all of whom complimented you on your amazing debut. 

later that day, articles were published, talking about you in a highly manner.

"that was a magnificent debut i've seen for a long time!" 

"louis vuitton knew who to bring with their latest collection!"

"the brand is expanding their audiences with their recent drop!"

"louis vuitton is dying within the youth? bring in y/n l/n."

as you went out into the crisp parisian air, you couldn't help but feel grateful for all that had brought you here. being hand in hand with diego, gazing out at the breathtaking cityscape, you realized that no matter where life took you, you'd always have one another. 

for in one other's arms, you had discovered not just love, but also a feeling of purpose. in this very moment for them, they knew this is a new stage in their lives.


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