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chapter nine:
la noche vieja
[new year's eve]
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THE WEEK BETWEEN christmas and new years was here, and the new year was approaching faster than ever.

during that week, diego and the rest of his family decided to take you on a little tour of seville. you enjoyed every second it ─ hearing diego's family jokes, visiting attractions, shopping.

until then, new year's eve was finally here. it was the day when people would reflect on the year in preparation of a new one.

mauro left a day prior, flying back to mexico to spend some time with his girlfriend and daughter. this left you, diego, and his parents to celebrate the new years alone, or at least you thought so. instead of celebrating at the seville house, diego decided to take you to a new year's party. it was very exciting, considering you haven't been to those type of parties in a while.

you came downstairs wearing a beautiful dress perfect for occasions like new years. diego's mother compliments your outfit, "look how beautiful you look!"

"thank you!" you bowed down as if you were a princess.

a few minutes later, diego came downstairs, grabbing the handrail. he was wearing button down shirt with some slacks accessorized by a belt and a watch. for you, that was quite the entrance that you would see in romance films.

diego looked down at your outfit, "te miras muy linda."

"gracias diego."

"are you ready to go?" diego asked you. you nod, and diego's father passed the keys to diego so that he could drive you to the party.

"have fun!" diego's mom said.

diego's father chimes in, laughing at his own joke, "but not too much fun!"


you and diego arrived to the new year's party. thankfully, the party was hosted by one of diego's friends, so you don't have to worry about anyone at least.

when diego knocked at the door, a guy with a mullet did the opening, which was diego's friend and the host of the party. when he began speaking, a spanish accent was heard, "hi, come have some fun."

diego's friend closed the door and greeted diego. he then looked at you, making eye contact with each other. instead of the "who is that" question, he instead introduced himself to you. he shakes your hand, "i'm hector."

you smiled at the spanish man, "y/n."

hector decided to throw a small joke towards diego,  "is he your plus one for tonight?"

"yes. in fact, he's my uber, plus one, all the good shit."

hector was impressed by the resume you've given diego, "you're one lucky girl, huh?"

you looked around your surroundings and then stared at diego. you then faced hector, giving him a toothy smile.

since you didn't know anyone outside diego and now hector, you were mostly attached to throughout the new year's party. people around the party questioned your appearance, wanting to know more about you. all of a sudden, you felt like those mysterious celebrities. you know, the ones that know a famous person, yet little information about them? you felt like that type. eventually, you began meeting more of diego's friends.

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