Part 03

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"Theres no way this is real...oh god what is going on!"
Trembling in fear the young boy takes a couple steps back as he then notices monsters emerging from the ground with goop dripping from their body's.
He runs for his life in the opposite direction as the monsters give chase.
"PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE I DONT WANT TO DIE!" He screamed as he turned his head back. He then saw that the monsters were slower then he was and he was getting away.
This gave him some confidence as he kept up his pace.

Looking around his surroundings he could see monsters chasing after other people and destroying property all around him. The boy wanted to help so badly but he was so scared of his own life that he kept on running without a second thought. "What are those things and why are they hurting us?! Are they aliens?Where did they come from??"
He noticed that there was no monsters around him so he slowed his pace to catch his breath.
"Whew so tired...ok focus I got to find someplace safe to go,someplace where the monsters can't get me...Oh the mall! It's just down this street and has tons of stuff I can use to defend myself in! Ok let's go!"
He got back to running and started to make his way to the mall.

He arrived in the malls parking lot and was heading for the entrance.
"Just a bit further! Hey where is everyone-"
Suddenly monsters emerged from the ground right in front of him.
"AH NO!" He turned to escape but saw even more monsters emerging from the ground that were even bigger.
He realized he was completely surrounded and was so close from reaching the mall.

The monsters were stepping closer with their weapons at the ready
They continued to step closer now just a couple feet away from him.
"Help...someone help me please......please..."
He lowered his head to the ground.
One of the bigger monsters put away their weapon and reached their arm out to the young boys arm. Just as the monster was about to grab his arm the boy raises his head and hand into the sky.

Suddenly he started to levitate for a brief moment and was then flown into the sky while shutting his eyes. After he opened them again he was high in the sky and was starting to freak out.
He suddenly lost control and was spiralling downward at a fast pace.
He tried to somehow soar higher so he wouldn't hit the ground and die. He started to tilt himself to sort of glide but his body felt heavy with all the wind hitting him in different angles. However it worked as he wasn't barreling towards the ground but was still dipping down towards the ground and was soon going to make an impact.
As he was getting close to hitting the ground a gust of wind raised his momentum and he could try and land safety. He was aiming for a spot to land but something caught his eye as he saw someone peculiar that he faintly recognized. Whatever it was he was about to hit them so the only thing he could say before there was a head on collision was
Almost instantly the person looked up and narrowly dodged out of the way as he zoomed on pass the person. He fell onto the ground and started rolling with the grass slightly cushioning his fall.

The boy slowly got up checking to see if he had broken any bones but to his surprise he was unscathed for the most part just a couple of bruises here and there. When he saw that he was safe he finally noticed the person staring right at him looking just as confused as he was and now that he could get a better look at them he recognized who this person was.
It was a Melloetta...but they were fictional characters, they were from a game and a show they couldn't possibly be real...right?

The Melloetta opened her mouth but then paused as she then held up a small device with a microphone on top.
"Who...who are you and how did you do that flying trick just now? I thought humans couldn't fly?" The Melloetta spoke.
"Oh um...I'm not sure to be honest sorry." He replied.
"Your not with those monsters are you...?" She replied. "No I swear, I have no idea where those monsters came from at all."
"Hmm I see..." she replied. He decided this was a good time to ask for answers. "Um do you know why these monsters are here in the first place?" He nervously asked. "Oh um it's a bit of a long story..." She replied.

"Well maybe we could get somewhere safe and you could tell me? I'm just as confused as you are about this situation believe me." He asked.
"That's...well..." she replied.
"Hey I understand,seeing a random human flying around could easily raise suspicion but I swear you can trust me I just really need answers on what is going on right now."
Just then there was a lightning strike that pierced both their ears as they both look up.
"The storm is growing worse...ok I believe
you. Lets go before more monsters show up."
She replied.
"Thank you! Just lead the way."
He stood up dusting the grass off of him.

"Mhm let's go follow me." She started to fly off.
He got up and pondered if he should play dumb about her being fictional.
"Wait you didn't give me your name!" He replied while running. "Oh it's Melloetta! And yours?"
Heh he was right all along.
"Oh mine is Sam nice to meet you!"

Eternal Imagination Season 1Where stories live. Discover now