Part 11

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Sam had reached the school, he saw there were cop cars and firetrucks everywhere. There was borders put up with cops guarding them that were blocking the battlefield that Sam was fighting on earlier, not good. Suddenly Sam had an idea and walked up to the cop confidently.

The cop took notice of him and held out his hands. "Woah there kid, civilians aren't allowed in here." "Oh I know I was just wondering if I could take a quick look around for my younger brothers backpack. He forgot to grab it when we were running for safety." Sam replied.
The cop studied his face intently, Sam hoped the lie would work. "Alright but don't take to long, and don't touch anything that looks suspicious!" Sam felt relieved. "Thank you officer! I'll only be a minute."
The guard moved out of the way and gestured him in. "Make it quick"

Once Sam was in the area he started searching for the area where he last saw dark void, after retracing his steps he found the spot. It looked like an explosion went off where he last saw him which was strange but not important. Sam then looked around at the ground his assumption being correct and just for comparison he looked over where he last saw Dark voids army. There was black goo everywhere. With all this information Sam came to the conclusion that.

"Dark void is still alive."
A week had passed as he was relaying this information to Melloetta.
"There was no black goo where I last saw Dark void. All of the monsters we had beaten before leave a trace of black goo when they are defeated but since there's none where Dark void last was he's still alive."
"To be honest I wanted to believe he was gone for good...but in the back of my mind I knew it was too good to be true...well it's not the end of the world, where do you think he could of gone? Maybe we can track him down."

Sam then had a nervous look on his face which Melloetta picked up on. "Hey you ok?" She asked. "Yea it's just..." Sam pondered wether or not if he should bring this up, he worried that it would risk their friendship but he had to.
It would also give a bit of a clue on how they could find Dark void. "Melloetta can I tell you something?" "Sure what's up?" She responded. Sam then took a deep breath.

"Your...not supposed to be real..." Melloetta then looked confused.
"Excuse me? Could you explain?" She responded. "Your supposed to be fiction, a character from a game. Take a look at this."
Sam pulls an image of his phone and sure enough there she was. "'ve never taken a picture of me there has to be a mistake..." Melloetta was starting to panic.
"Hey calm down, now tell me is there anything strange about this town? See anything your not used too?"
"Well...there's no Pokémon! I mean do your townsfolk not interact with Pokémon at all?" She responded. "Nope and it's not just here too. There is no Pokémon anywhere in this world." Melloetta then stood up "What? How can that be?? There's no other way possible!" She replied.

"Well I have a theory, one that explains our current bizarre situation and can help us a bit with catching Dark void." Melloetta seemed to have calmed down a bit and sat back down.
"I'm listening"
"I think other universes exist, one with completely different worlds, people, culture, everything and that portal that you mentioned when we first met I think it didn't just take you to a different town. But a completely different universe. That's why your not used to seeing no Pokémon here because we don't have any."

"My might be right..." Melloetta stood up once again and so did Sam
"Of course it's just a theory but it's the most likely scenario I can think of." Sam responded.
"So that means Dark void is probably far off in some unknown universe and I'm further from home then I first realized..." Melloetta started to look down so Sam walked over to comfort her.

"Hey don't worry we can find Dark void and your home. I mean we have all this technology in the ship I'm sure we can figure something out, I can help out."
"You mean it..?" Melloetta replied. "I do."
Melloetta embraced Sam as he hugged back comforting her.

Eternal Imagination Season 1Where stories live. Discover now