Part 09

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Dark void then swiftly jumped down from the roof getting ready to slam the ground with his axe. "MOVE OUT OF THE WAY!" Melloetta shouted. They both were able to dodge just as the axe hit the ground creating a shockwave.
Sam stumbled a bit before turning his head back to Dark void who was now directly in front of him.

"Time to see what your capable of!" Dark void snapped his finger which made his axe disappear and in place a staff formed in his hand. Dark void raised his staff but Melloetta came from behind him and was about to kick him in the head. Dark void swiftly turned around and punched her making her fly back towards the void army.
"I'm in the middle of something here!" Dark void shouted. Dark void then swiped his hand creating a barrier that closed off Melloetta from reaching Sam.

Dark void then turned back towards Sam who attempted to strike Dark void but he dodged.
Sam then sliced his sword over and over but to no avail as Dark void kept dodging.
Sam then jumped and slashed downwards but dark void dodged yet again and punched Sam towards the barrier. Sam hit the barrier really hard, as he recovered and opened his eyes he felt something tether around his waist as he was pulled towards the air and slammed right into the ground. Sam was hurt really bad as he noticed Dark void manifested a new weapon, a whip like object.

"Your weak." Dark void exclaimed. Sam could barely get back up as his words cut through him even more. "Your not any fun to me, I'm gonna go kill the other person and I'll be back to deal with you later." "N-NO!" Sam shouted.
He started to stand back up slowly.

"Keep *cough* fighting me...I can still fight." Sam weakly replied. "I'll give you a chance for you to hold a last stand later your energy and just watch." Dark void turned to see that his army has been completely wiped out and Melloetta was standing right in the middle of the black goo from the void army.
She then knelt down slightly, her hair moving around as she did. "Hmm what can you do?" Dark void questioned.
Melloettas eyes then flashed before she zoomed through the barrier breaking it in the process and kicked Dark void right in his eye.

He was pushed back quite a bit before making himself slow down with his legs, his eye twitching from the impact.
"Well...never thought you would have that much power in you Pokemon." Dark void exclaimed. Melloetta came over to Sam
"You ok?" "Hurting a bit but I'll what's the plan?" Sam replied.
"He keeps trying to split us up, I'd say our best bet is if we both attack at the same time and keep the pressure on." "Works for me" Sam responded.
They both looked at each other and nodded as they ran towards Dark void while he had an evil smile on his face.

Melloetta struck first but Dark void blocked however Sam swung his sword getting in a good hit. Dark void was knocked back a bit but swung his staff at both of them. Sam blocked and parried it pushing Dark void back even more. Melloetta then saw this chance and flew straight at him.
But Dark void made his staff disappear and manifested a sword then swung it as Melloetta dashed over to him.
A speck of blood was noticed by Sam as Melloetta fell to the ground screaming in pain.

Dark void let out a roar of laughter as Sam felt nothing but rage as he charged right for Dark void. He recklessly threw his sword at Dark void but he effortlessly dodged the blade.
Sam swung his fists left and right as Dark void continued to dodge then grabbed Sam and one of his arms.

Sam tried to break free of Dark voids grasp but to no avail. As his anger was wearing off he then noticed Dark voids eye still twitching.
"So this is your last stand? You even lost your weapon in the process! What a pathetic fighter you are kid! HAHAHAHAHAHA-"
Sam with his free hand thrusted his concealed blade right into Dark voids eye.

Dark void stumbled back a bit as his grasp loosed. Sam was free and ran straight for Melloetta but suddenly he heard a scream come from behind him.
As Sam turned around all he could see was a blinding dark light before he collapsed.

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