Part 05

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Melloetta had just finished telling Sam everything, from the events of the monster that attacked her village to the current situation going on in the town. "That's...a lot to process wow..." "Yep sorry if it was a lot...but that's the whole story." Melloetta replied. "And now he's attacking my town...why, oh god this isn't good." Sams voice became shaky. "Hey don't worry, I'm here to stop him for good." Melloetta replied "But all by yourself? You don't have anyone to help you out!" Sam replied. "Well that is true some help would be nice...that's why I was thinking of asking you for some help."

It took Sam a moment to realized what she had just said. "Wait hold mean me?" Sam turned his head left and right around the room then faced Melloetta again. "Like me??" Melloetta chuckled "Of course! Your the only person that knows the background of the situation and not to mention your flying powers could come in handy also."
"Well true but I didn't even know I had these powers to begin with...and last time I tried to use it I almost got myself killed...Also I never really have fought somebody before."
"But with a bit of training from me you can be strong in no time! And be able to control your flying powers too!" Melloetta exclaimed.

"Wait but will you even have time to train me anyways? The citizens are in danger" "Well not necessarily, the monsters are kidnapping them but did you notice they aren't harming them whatsoever?" Melloetta replied.
Sam pondered for a moment "Huh, your right I did see nobody get hurt..." "Exactly and while it would be better to act now I could set aside some time to train you so we can take back the town together, of course I will monitor what is going on down below and the second I see someone get injured I'll dash down and rescue them." Melloetta responded
"That's not a bad idea..." Sam replied.
"Mhm! Now this all depends on your response, do you want to help me drive out the monsters from your town? It's perfectly ok for you to say no."

Sam thought about this in his head ,he wanted to help Melloetta but he has no fighting experience whatsoever and he understood the risks very well. He could very easily get badly injured or even worse. But at the same time he wanted to protect his town and learn more about Melloetta and where she came from given that she was purely fictional. Eventually he made up his mind. "Melloetta I'll accept your offer! Please train me!" Melloetta smiled "I'm glad you said yes!" She raised out her hand "To being great friends!" Sam looked surprised then smiled back and shook hands with her.

"Um sorry if that sounded embarrassing..." Melloetta chuckled "Oh no it wasn't!" Sam protested. "Phew I'm glad! Now with that out of the way shall we begin your training?"
"Yes! That would be great!" Sam replied. "Great! Follow me" Melloetta flew down the hallway.

Sam followed her while also looking out the window at the dark clouds and sky. Looking at it reminded him how important it was for him and Melloetta to succeed. Eventually they both reached a big door that opened automatically revealing a huge room that lit Sams eyes up. "Woah so cool!" Sam exclaimed. Melloetta chuckled "Welcome to the training room! This is where you'll be honing your skills." Sam looked around the room, there was all sorts of equipment and cool technology in the room, he then noticed Melloetta walked over to a wall with a button. He walked over to her "Hey what's that button for?" Melloetta pressed the button and the wall started to move revealing all sorts of equipment. "This is where I store all the weapons on the ship."
" SO COOL!!!" Sam exclaimed

Sam awed in amazement as he looked at all sorts of weapons, High tech rifles, giant maces, even some gadgets that he saw on the wall too. "Now which weapon will you be practicing with?" Melloetta exclaimed "I get to choose??" "Of course! Whichever you feel most suits you, we can also switch your weapons if you find one that doesn't fit your fighting style." Melloetta replied. "Wow...there are alot of options...but if I'm being honest right now only one stands out to me currently." Sam walked over to the weapon wall his eyes being set on the weapon in the middle of the wall.
He grabbed a sword from the wall. "Ok let's start my training!"

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