Part 12

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After a couple of minutes Melloetta was feeling better. The two were sitting together in the living room. "You feeling better now?"
"Yes thank you Sam, like truly you helped me in more ways then one." "Hey your the one who helped save my town! It's only fair I help you out hehe." He replied. "Haha I guess your right." "I'm always right!" Sam exclaimed.
Melloetta chuckled once more.

Melloetta then laid back in her chair "Wow...I can't believe other universes exist, one's that are so much different then what we are used too."
" be honest when I realized my theory could be true it made a chill run through my spine. Like we are just a small dot on a giant landscape of other worlds." Sam responded.
"Yea...hey listen I have something to ask."
"Oh sure! What's up?"

"I've decided I'm going to stay in your town for the time being. Well in the airship of course. I need to track down Dark void and finish what we started. But I wanted to ask...what's next for you?"
"Me?" Sam questioned.

"Yea your town is saved so you can go back to living your life and I can continue tracking Dark void. However I wanted to offer you a place to stay in the airship. We could continue the search together. Of course it won't be easy. I'll have to train you more and when the time comes to fight Dark void again it will be dangerous. That's not to say searching for him in unknown universes will already be dangerous enough!" Melloetta exclaimed.

"To boil it down a bit I'm asking if you want to help me find and defeat Dark void. Even if you say no I can gladly let you on the airship anytime. So what do you say?"
Sam pondered for a moment "Could you give me a moment to think?" "Of course! Take your time."

Sam thought long and hard about this decision.
So many crazy things had happened in his small boring life. Monsters attacking his town, making friends with a fictional character, being able to fly apparently and the fact that universes are real. It almost felt like one big fantasy. But Sam loved fantasy, this was the life he dreamed of one where he could feel like he was actually contributing and doing something with his life.
Not just going through school and collage only to wind up working for the rest of his life.
While he understood the risks of saying yes he still would absolutely love to stay on the airship with Melloetta and become a Hero.

"Ok I've made my decision! I'll take you up on your offer...if that's alright with you of course!"
A spark lit up in Melloettas eye, she was full of excitement. "Of course! I'm happy to have you here! Oh it's gonna be so much fun I can teach you how to fight more and make gadgets and all sorts of stuff! Uh I might of rambled on a bit there haha" Melloetta exclaimed
"Your good don't worry!"
Melloetta clapped her hands together.
"Well! Let's get a room set up for you rather then you sleeping in a guest room! Come on!"
She started flying down the hallway with Sam getting up attempting to catch up to her.
"Hey! Wait up!"

Sam didn't know what the future would hold for him but he knew his new life was going to be awesome.

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