Part 08

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As Sam lowered his arms he saw Melloetta dash over kicking the monster in the face having it fall to the ground in one hit.
As the monster dissolved into black goo Melloetta went over to Sam reaching out a hand "Are you hurt?" Sam took her hand and responded
"A little but I'll be fine, thank you for saving me!" Sam then remembered she had told him to stay on the airship.

"Oh I'm super sorry by the way! I left the airship when I was supposed to stay and guard it...But I didn't want to leave you fighting on your own."
"Hey don't feel apologetic, you took out the entire camp of monsters all by yourself! You may not be fully ready yet for a battle of this scale but I think you'll be able to make do regardless." Melloetta exclaimed. Sam wasn't expecting her to be ok with him fighting but he felt glad. "Thanks feels good to have finally made some progress."
"No problem but the battle isn't over yet, if you're still capable of fighting then first we need to rescue those caged civilians." Melloetta responded.
"Don't worry, I can keep this up. Once I save the citizens we can head out"

Sam made his way over to the caged cell and used the key that was sitting on a rock nearby to free the citizens. "Your all free now! Get to someplace safe!" All the civilians complied and ran out of the cage. Sam made his way back over to Melloetta as they both went in the direction of where the monsters were.

While on a road now Sam had slayed another monster before Melloetta spoke up. "Most of the monsters seem to be near that big building, let's head over there." "That's the think we'll find the leader over there?" Sam replied. "Not sure but it's a decent chance, your doing great by the way keep it up!" "Heh thank you"

The pair makes it over to the school where there was a group of monsters in the parking lot. "Take the smaller group on the left!" Melloetta exclaimed. "Right!" Sam ran towards the group firing at them with his firearms. He took them all out before needing to reload his weapons, as he put them away he took a glimpse over at Melloettas group and she seemed to be holding her own just fine. He pondered on going over to help but with how quickly she was moving around he didn't want to get in the way and now that he was looking he couldn't help but admire the way she fought.

She would move around super fast while using her flying if she needed to and would deal fierce blows to her enemy's. The way she would strike and move though it almost looked angelic in a way. Sam then noticed that Melloetta had taken out the monsters and he ran over to her.

"Nice job, what now?" "We should look around here a bit and catch our breath, maybe we can find anything pertaining to the leaders location." Melloetta responded. "Sounds gre-"
Suddenly Sam could hear something coming from the forest. He turned to see a horrifying sight, monsters were flooding out of the forest rapidly. "There' many...oh god Melloetta what do we do!!"
"Calm yourself! Don't panic we'll figure something ou-"

All of the monsters then came to a screeching halt as that word was shouted throughout the parking lot. "Why did they...stop...hey Melloetta-" Sam turned to see a look of horror on Melloettas face as she was looking upwards.
A chill ran through Sams spine as he looked towards the school where he spotted on the roof a bigger monster with an battle axe in his hand.

"So...these two are the ones who's been getting on my army's bad side, one of them I recognize but the other im unfamiliar with." The monster spoke. Sam suddenly put two and two together.
"Is that the leader of the monsters...?" A quick nod from Melloetta answered Sams question as he felt even more nervous.
"Well I must say I'm quite surprised that you followed me all the way here Pokémon. And although your army may have gotten the better of me last time there's nobody here to protect you this time! Except for...ok who is this kid?"

Sam felt a bit insulted and spoke up.
"HEY! Why did you attack Melloettas village! She did nothing wrong!"
"Well that's a boring question, how about I answer that with a different answer."
The leader then spoke up.
"My name is Dark void! And I'm gonna bring ruin to every world there ever was!"

Sam couldn't manifest the right words to say the situation was just too bizarre.
"I think we both are done speaking so if you don't mind-"
Dark void then takes a battle stance.
"I'm gonna move onto the killing."

Eternal Imagination Season 1Where stories live. Discover now