Chapter 1: Natasha Romanoff

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Y/n pov:
I was walking to the kitchen to get some breakfast when I saw Nat. "Hey bitch!" She yelled. "Hey fag." "God will you guys go one day without fighting!" Tony screamed at us. Me and Nat don't hate each other, were actually dating. We pretend to hate each other so when the avengers leave we can have alone time. We normally cuddle, shower together. Sometimes we will fuck. But when Tasha asked me out she said "Y/n we are keeping this to ourselves. Not even Lena will know." I agreed. Today we wanted to be alone so we're going to 'fight'. "HEY BITCH! WHERE ARE YOU!?" When Nat says that she normally just wants to stare at my face. I laughed to myself. "UP YOUR ASS!" When Nat found me in the living room alone she got real close to me and whispered in my ear. "I'll be up you later baby." I blushed very hard. She left and that's when Tony said. "Alright we're done with the bullshit. We will not be able to stay here with you two. We will all be leaving and you guys can yell all you want. Understand?" Me and Nat looked over at each other and smirked. "Yeah smirk all you want love birds." Wanda said. "Woah, woah. I hate y/n." "Yeah, and I hate Nat." "Hmmm."

Y/n's thoughts:'Damnit Wanda you looked into my head. God she better not tell the team.'

Wanda looked at me and shook her head no. She wasn't going to tell the team. And I trusted her because she has been my best friend since she joined. Tony and the Avengers left. I turned on the tv and snuggled up to Nat. "I've missed this Tasha." "Me too. It's been a while since we were alone." "I know right." We were watching a gay lesbian movie and a sex scene came on. I was completely fine but my girlfriend wasn't. She readjusted herself a few times and pushed her legs together. "Alright there love?" "I'm f-fine." I put my hand on her thigh and she let out a quiet moan. Not quiet enough because I still heard her. I smirked. I straddled her lap. "Baby." She said sternly. "No one's home." We go to make out. She picked me up and put her hands on my ass to support me. She brought us upstairs while we're still making out. She opens her bedroom door and locks it. She throws me onto the bed and crawls on top of me. "Your so naughty y/n." Nat whispered seductively. "Only for you mommy." I smirked at her. She takes off my shirt. She sits me up and starts kissing my collar bone from behind. She began to form hickeys on my neck. "People will know who you belong to." "They'll know now because I didn't have these before they left and were the only two people here." I moan and tilted my head to give her more access to my neck. She licked the hickeys she made to soothe the pain. She undid my bra and hers as well. I turned around to stare at her chest. I was staring a bit too long cause Nat used her index finger to lift my head up. "Ah darling my eyes are up here." I was just staring into her beautiful emerald green eyes. She tackles me to the bed in the cutest way possible. She pulls my pants down and sees a wet spot on my underwear. "I didn't know I made you so wet angel." She expressed in her sexy raspy voice she has. She tugged on my underwear asking for access. I nodded but I guess that wasn't clear enough to her. "I need you to use words baby girl." "Just please." "Please what?" "F-fuck me already." I mumbled. "What was that love?" "I said just fuck me already!" That was enough for her. She pulled them down and immediately stuck two fingers inside of me. Natasha was pumping her fingers in and out of me. "Ahh f-f-fuck." I moaned out in pleasure. Natasha kept using those magic fingers of hers when I started to grip the sheets to prevent me from moaning. I knew that I could be very loud sometimes. "Be as loud as you want gorgeous. No one can hear you." I moan very loud. All Natasha could do was smirk. "Glad to know I'm good at what I do." "Yes your very good. Can you go faster?" "What's that babe?" "Faster please." "Please what?" "Please Tasha." "That's not my name princess." "Mommy just please fuck me faster." "You asked for it." Natasha went faster. She finally found my g-spot and she could tell. Every time she would hit it she would curl her fingers which was a lot for me. "M-M-Mommy." I breathed out. "Yes darling?" "I-I-I'm close.." She understood. She pulled out her fingers and attached her mouth to my clit. She was pushing her tongue in and out of me. "HOLY SHIT-" I moaned. Natasha kept pushing her tongue in and out of me when I started to pull on her hair. She got close to me pussy and kept doing things with that magic tongue of hers. "God you taste so delicious bubs." Nat moaned out. I felt myself getting super close so I gripped the sheets to prepare myself. I moaned as loud as possible "NATASHA" and cummed all in her mouth. Natasha was licking up all of my juices and when she was finished she made out with me. Every kiss was passionate. She carried me to the bathroom and ran a bath. By the time we were done with the bath and got dressed the team got back. "GUYS WERE HOME!" Tony screamed. Nat went downstairs after grabbing my waist to kiss me which Wanda saw. "Shh don't tell anyone Wanda." Nat whispered to her. "I won't, you guys are crazy." I walked downstairs limping when Tony asked me "why are you limping and why are there hickeys all over your neck?" I just looked at him speechless. Nat decided to speak up. "Damn I didn't know my fingers or tongue stopped you from walking straight but to be fair you never were able to cause you aren't." "NAT!" I yelled at her. Tony had his mouth opened. "Y-you guys.. So every time you fight and we leave it's s-so you-" "Can fuck the living shit out of my girlfriend? Yes Stark, yes." "How long?" "Five months." "Makes sense you guys have been fighting for that long." "Tony the only thing we fight over is who gets to be the top." I giggled. "That's true darling, that's true."

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