Chapter 13: Natasha romanoff

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Before you all read today... please, please go subscribe to WorldOfGigi on YouTube. I'm trying to get to 500 before 2024!! Can we do it?! Also go sub to MarvelFanEdits on YouTube, I kinda sorta... secretly run that account too but no one knows well.. technically whoever is reading this now knows.. enjoy reading!!!
(I know it's already 2024, this was supposed to be a Christmas story or whatever and I actually did hit 500 subs)

Y/n pov:
It's December 9th and I'm walking around around The Avengers Compound. I see my girlfriend Natasha, sitting on the couch. "Hey baby." I say as I sit in her lap. Her arms wrap around my waist and I blush brightly. "Hey princess.." She whispers in my ear, which sends shivers down my spine. "I'm excited for Christmas. I got you something very nice and I think you'll like it!" I explain excitedly to my lover. "Oh really?" She questions me. "Well.. I think it'll be a white Christmas this year." Natasha whispers seductively in my ear which earns a whimper from me. Natasha smirks from my whimper. "O-Oh um- wow.." I mumble as I look down into my lap. Natasha begins to rub my waist slowly. "Relax sweetheart." Natasha whispers with her beautiful smirk. I relax in Natasha touch eventually. "I think we should make some cookies though." She suggests to me. I think of that idea for a moment before answering. "Yeah. I don't see why not." I reply with an agreeing tone. I start to feel excited about it. I think about how interesting and amazing it would be for us to make cookies together. We go to the kitchen and we get the supplies to make cookies. We get everything done and the cookies were actually amazing!

~~ Time Skip ~~

I'm currently sitting on my dirt bike. Natasha was inside The Avengers Compound. I wasn't planing to go anywhere, just sitting. I was sitting on the seat and looking into the distance. I was letting my ADHD take over. I take a deep breath and I start to smile. The sun was beautiful today and warm. I feel great... my life is amazing. I have Natasha, my dirt bike, a family with The Avengers. Life couldn't get any better...

Natasha POV:
I walked outside and see my girlfriend on her bike. She's looking so hot. I walk over to Y/n and cup her face. "Hey my pretty girl.." After I said that, Y/n I immediately blushed. "Why hello my love." Y/n responded to me. I couldn't help myself, I started kissing her deeply. When we kiss, she pulled me into her lap on her bike and it made me moan. Holy shit do I love this woman.. "Mmmm.." Y/n mumbled in the kiss. I could help but grab at her shirt. "Hmm, baby not here. Let's go inside for that." Y/n whispers to me. We pull away and go inside The Compound. We walk upstairs where I hear Tony say, "Time for sex I'm guessing!" That's when I flip him off. When we're in my room, we immediately start making out.!8 push Y/n against the wall which gets a moan out of her. "God you're sexy.." I whisper to her. She moans once more which is when I throw her on the bed. I climb on top of her and take her clothes off... one.. by.. one.. "Nat.. please." Y/n begs me. "Please what sweetie?" I ask cockily, I knew what she wanted but it's more fun to tease her. "I-I need you.. p-please Tash." Y/n tells me. Her stutter makes me wanna be nice, I know she gets overwhelmed easily and has a little bit of a stutter. "Well.. okay my sweet girl. You're so lucky I love you." I tell her sweetly. When our clothes are off, my hands travel all over her body. I look down and see Y/n getting only wetter. "These are my new sheets darling." I explain with a flirty tone and using her favorite pet name. Y/n looks at me and smirks. "Well, you're stupid then. You know you make me turned on." Y/n tells me in the cockiest tone I've ever heard in my life, with that, I stick two fingers inside of her. "Ohhh fuck!" Y/n screamed, not expecting it. I work my magic and please the woman.

Y/n POV:
I feel Natasha inside of me and oh my god is it amazing. With every thrust, I feel myself getting closer and closer. I'm a very easy person to get cum and she knows that. So I already knew she had plans for me. After only five minutes of her tongue and fingers inside of me, I gently tug at her hair. I'm ready, I need out. "I figured Y/n... so my challenge for you is to hold it til I say. Got it?" She tells me, all I could conjure up is a nod. She takes her fingers out and licks them which is very hot to even see in the first place. She licks around my pussy to tease me which is so FUCKING ANNOYING!!! Just let me cum please!!!! "Tasha... p-p-please I-i-i need- I need to release." I stutter out. She finally gives me the green light by pressing right above my pussy which pushed me over the edge. I released everything I had built up inside of me. She licks up all my juices and pulls me in so a long passionate kiss with me in her lap. After we pull way, she carries me to the bathroom and places me on the top of the toilet. "I'll run you a bath sweet girl.." She whispers to me. I just mumbled. She turns the water to hot which I absolutely love to death. She places me gently in the tub and I relax so quickly. I close my eyes and lean back. "You know.. I'd think you wouldn't sleep in a tub after you watched A Nightmare On Elm Street." She tells me with a smirk. I look at her and shrug. "It's just a movie. Besides, Freddy is pretty cool." "Despite that he kills people Y/n.." She says kinda sternly. Probably because as a kid I wanted to die. "Alright, alright. I'm sorry love." Natasha then smiles at me and places a kiss on my forehead and then the top of my head. "It's okay you big cutie. Now relax... I'll wash you." Natasha did exactly that, she washed me. She dried the water and put me in a towel and then puts clean clothes on me. We cuddle in her bed and I fall asleep with my head on her chest. What a merry Christmas... "You made it a white Christmas.." Natasha giggled. I heard her but let myself sleep fully. I feel a kiss on my cheek and I fall asleep completely

I hope you guys liked this! And I hope everyone had a merry Christmas

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