Chapter 5: Kate Bishop

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Kates Pov:
Me and Y/n we're running. "Shit- we gotta hide Kate!" I followed her to some dark ally. The tracksuits were chasing us. "Kate! Do you have the suit?" "No, I don't I swear. When Clint check my apartment it wasn't there." "Well Clint and I can't go home unless we sort this out." "How come your twenty two like me but he doesn't call you kid?" "I've been with the Avengers since I was fifteen." "Oh.." "Yeah." After we hid for a little while we left. We were fighting the tracksuits left and right. Til one had a knife and slit my forehead a little bit. It's wasn't A deep cut but it hurt. "Ah shit-" "Kate! GET YOUR HANDS OFF HER!!" Y/n stabbed the guy in the head. "Dumbass." Y/n scared off the other tracksuits and ran to me. "Kate?! You good?" "Mhm. Ow." "I know I'm so sorry." I love when she takes care of me. When I first met her I was told don't flirt with her or hit on her. But I definitely liked her. She was amazing at fighting. Kinda better than Yelena or any other girl I've met. She is just great at what she does. "Am I at least the world greatest archer?" "Clint doesn't think so but I definitely do." She smirked at me. I got butterflies. She helped me up and got me to the car. She opened the door and helped me in. She shut the door and went around the car to open the door on her side. She opened the door, got in and shut the door. When she got in she looked at me. "What?" I chuckled. "Nothing you're just adorable when you get hurt." "Oh shut up." We laughed. She was flirting with me. God she is so perfect and cute. On the way home I kept staring at her. "Is there something on my face or am I that ugly to you?" "What. I-I- n-no it's j-just-" "Stop it. I know Kate." "You do?" "Your just shaken up." She looked away when she said that. Something tells me that there was something going on. "Y-yea. What's wrong." "What do you mean? I'm chilling." "Why'd you look away." "Nothing. Just.." She sighed. "What?" "Listen when we get back to my place I'm going to clean you up." "Alright." We made it to her house. She helped me out of the car. We went inside and she locked the door. She went upstairs to her bedroom and I sat on the bed. "I'll be right back." She smiled. She went to the bathroom to get some supplies. "This was needed so many times for me from some battles." "This hurts like a bitch." "I bet. But don't worry I'll clean you up." "Thanks." "You're welcome." She started to put the rubbing alcohol on my forehead. THAT FUCKING HURT! "Shit-" I winched. "I'm sorry." She made a sad face. I kept winching from the pain. "Hey." She put she hand on my thigh. "Listen it'll be over soon. Once I do this I can bandage it up." "Okay.." "I feel so bad." "Don't. It's okay. I wasn't pay attention." She left her hands on my thigh then opened her hand allowing me to hold it for comfort. I grabbed her hand tightly and squeezed it. "Yeah it's okay. Go ahead." Once she was finished she but the bandage on. "Andddd there you go!" "Uhh t-thank you." "Yeah you're uhhh you're welcome. We just stared at each other. Our faces closely moved together. She crashed her lips on mine gently.

Y/n pov:
Our faces started to move closer together. Clint never liked the idea of me liking Kate. Like I'm sorry but woman if fine as shit and she is such a good person. Our hands were roaming each others bodies. My hands traveled to her purple outfit. We kept making out when I was tugging on her collar. "Hmm." I took off her archer outfit. I threw that outfit somewhere. I didn't care where. I genuinely really want this girl. She was wearing a purple lace bra. I took my shirt off and I was wearing a black sports bra. As we kept making out she removed my bra. My boobs just naturally fell. "Oh shit-" She said under her breathe. I straddle her lap and started to kiss her neck. "Mmm." Kate moaned. I started to form hickeys on her neck. "Now Clint will know who you belong to." "I'm all yours Y/N." After I was done with the hickeys I unclipped her bra. Her boobs were so perfect. I pinned her hands above her head. And started to lick down her body. I started at her chest and went all the way down to her panties. She was wearing a full purple set. I tugged on her underwear and she threw her head back in consent. "Listen we shall not tell Clint about this." "Understood Y/n." I began to make circles around her clit. "Please." Kate moaned. "Please what?" "Please. I-I need you." That was enough for me. I slowly pushed one finger inside her pussy. "Oh shit-" "That's barely just the beginning Kate." I smirked at her. I was slowly thrusting my single finger in and out of her. With my other hand I started to play with her boobs. "Fuckk." "Your moans are music to my ears Kate." I started to play with her nipples and Kate moaned pretty loud. I decided to thrust faster. Then I added a second finger. "Fuckkkkkkk. God yes y/n." Eventually I found her g-spot and decided to curl my fingers every time I hit it. "Shit- fucking hell." She moaned. I added a third finger and went faster. I felt her walls clenching so I removed my fingers and licked them clean. I replaced my fingers with my mouth. I was eating her out. "Fuckkk yessss." "You taste so freaking good Bishop." I moaned inside of her. That sent her over the edge and she came into my mouth. I cleaned her up by licking all the cum. When I was down I made out with her. I picked her up and put my hands on her ass and squeezed it. Kate moaned into my mouth. I brought us to my bathroom and ran a bath for us. I gently placed her in the tub and I got in after. I washed both of our bodies and gave her some clothes to wear. I threw in some sweats and I took the sheets off my bed to clean them just in case. All of a sudden we herd the door open. "Guys! You alright?!" Clint yelled. "Oh shit." I said under my breathe. Me and Kate went downstairs and Clint knew something was off. "You guys okay?" "Uhh yeah w-were all good." Kate stuttered. "Kate." Clint sternly looked at her. "Uhh yeah?" "Why were you limping on your way here?" "Oh shit-" I Kate looked at me. "Shit is right.." I looked nervously at them.

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