Chapter 4: Natasha Romanoff

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This was a request by: Ladyperc668. I hope you all enjoy. I am opened to all requests!

Natasha Pov:
Tonight was one of Tony's boring ass behind parties. At least y/n was going to be there. We both got a dare to sleep with each other while the party going on. I was at the bar making myself a drink when y/n came up to me. "Hey Nat!" "Oh hey." "You okay?" "I'm fine. I just-why a dare to sleep with each other?" "I don't know. That's what Wanda said." "What about Wanda?" Wanda questioned while walking towards us. "The dare." I dramatically rolled my eyes. I came out from behind the bar to talk to Y/n and Wanda. As I was standing next to them y/n turned around to rest her arms on the bar. I took the opportunity to slap her ass. "Nat.." "Oh Nat your getting ready for later!" Wanda squealed. The dare is so stupid. To be honest I like her. No. I love her! I don't want our first times to be a dare. I want it to be meaningful and real. "Sorry y/n. Not really." I smirked. Y/n put her mouth close to me ear and whispered. "To be honest I kinda enjoyed it. And I wanna do this now. Let's just get it over with." I smirked at Wanda indicating that it's time. She smirked back. Me and Y/n went upstairs to her bedroom. I opened the door. "Ladies first." "Oohh such a gentlewoman." I followed her inside and locked the door. "Strip now!" "Damn. Alright Tasha chill." "That's not my name baby girl. But I'll let it slide for now."

Y/n Pov:
I stripped like she asked but left my underwear on to tease her and walked towards her. "Your turn." "Your not the boss of me love. And I said strip. Don't leave one thing of clothing on." "Like I care. And what's with the pet names?" "No reason.." "God this dare is so fucking dumb!" "Y/n we have to." "I don't wanna though." "Y/n I don't wanna force you if you don't wanna." "No it's not like that. It's I l-like you! Like, like you. I'm madly in love with you and I want this to be real and for us to enjoy it. Not some dumb ass mother fucking dare!" I yelled. "Y/n...I've been in love you you too. I wanted our first time having sex to be meaningful and not just a dare." I pushed Natasha to the door and started to make out with her. Her lips were so soft and felt very nice. She turned us around. I was pinned to the door and Nat grabbed my boob, making me gasp. She slipped her tongue in to explore my mouth. She picked me up and threw me on my bed. "Now this will be meaningful." She looked my me like I was a whole four course meal. "I could eat you all day y/n." "Then do it!" She pulled my underwear down and threw it god knows where. She stuck two fingers inside of me pumping in and out. "Fucking hell-" I moaned. "Y/n you're going to have to moan louder then that for everyone to hear you." "W-w-well can I-I-I-I have some hickeys first?" I moaned quietly. "Fine. But I'll make you scream my name for everyone to hear later." She took her fingers out and licked them. "Mmmm you taste so good love." I giggled. She straddled my lap and started to form hickeys on my neck. "Fuckkk." She made sure they are dark purple. She got off my lap and rolled me over so my bare ass was facing her. "Nat what are you doing?" After I questioned her. "Oh nothing my love." I was very confused when all of a sudden. *slap* Natasha slapped my ass! It was kinda hot. "Mmm." "You were being a bad girl. Like I wanted to eat you out and you wanted hickeys first?" "I'm sorry Tasha." "Princess. For every time you don't listen to me I will slap you ass but not too hard that it hurts." "Fine." I wanted to be a bad girl because it was hot when she slapped my ass. "Come here." She patted her lap. "Let me think about it...NO." She wasn't very happy. I was still lying on my stomach so she decided to give me another slap on the ass. "You are being naughty so I will keep spanking you." "That's fine. But you gotta make me cum. Then, I'll listen." "Alright." She told me to stand up and then she bent me over the dresser. She inserted two of her fingers in my pussy. Every once in a while she would slap my ass. Normally it took a while for me to cum but every time she did that I would get closer and closer to my orgasm. I was moaning pretty loud but she wanted my to scream her name. "Listen you better scream without the 's' love." "Fuckkkk Nat. Your fingers are amazing." She slapped my ass again and that sent me over the edge. She could cause I threw my head back. She quickly took her fingers out and attached her mouth to my pussy. As I was cumming I screamed as loud as possible. "FUCKKK NATASHA ROMANOFF!!" "Hmmm you taste so good." "God Natasha! Everyone definitely herd me." "I'm okay with that." "Of course you are." She helped me ride out my high and we were both out of breathe. "Y/n can I ask you something?" "Sure, what is it?" "Will you be my girlfriend?" "Yes I will Tasha." She picked me up and passionately kissed my lips. We put our clothes back on and I prayed that no one heard. "Well everyone herd you two." Wanda smirked. "You guys are insane. No one would do that at a party." "Well Tony me and Romanoff clearly did." "Not only I fucked my crush but I got a girlfriend. So thank you Wanda." "Anytime Romanoff."  Me and Nat didn't wanna be at the party anymore so we went back upstairs to my bedroom. We put on some pajamas and got under the blankets. I laid on my left side when we picked me on and put me on top of her. She held me in her arms. As we drifted off to sleep.

 As we drifted off to sleep

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