Chapter 12: Carol Danvers

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Y/n Pov:
Carol has been in space for some time now. "When's auntie Carol coming back?" Monica asks her mom Maria. "I don't know baby she should be back here soon." I let out a sad sigh. "Something wrong Y/n?" Maria asks me. I looked her in the eyes. "Honestly I just miss my girlfriend." She put her hand in my shoulder. I looked up at her. "I know. She'll be back soon. Hopefully.." She missed her best friend, I miss my girlfriend and Monica misses her aunt. We sat around outside hoping she would come back. Monica noticed something in the sky. "Auntie Y/n, mom! Look up at the sky." I looked up and saw a bright figure. "Is that?" I say with a big smile plastered across my face. There was no way. Sure enough the figure landed and it was Carol! I ran up to her and jumped into her arms. "I miss you so much baby!" She kissed the top of my head. "I missed you more my love." We walked into Maria's house and sat on the couch. She was filling us in and all the missions and awesome things she did.

Carol Pov:
I'm so glad I'm finally back. I missed Y/n so freaking much! "Babe." I excitedly expressed. "Yes my love?" She giggled and smiled at me. I sat on her lap and Maira laughed. "You two are such children." We smiled at each other. "Who cares." Maria put a movie on for all of us and there was a sex scene that came on. She sent her daughter to bed before we started the movie so thankfully we didn't have to worry about that. I started to get pretty horny but I was able to contain it. Y/n on the other hand...well.. She wasn't able to contain it easily. It was pretty obvious. She quickly squeezed her thighs together. Maria looked over at me and smirked. She picked up her phone and texted me.
(Natasha trailer is in NY along with absolutely everything from the Infinity Saga)


Carol. You and her should go somewhere and yk.

Really? Where the heck are we possibly going to go?

I mean you could always go to one of Tony Starks many houses.

I guess you're right and I do miss fucking the shit out of her. Sometimes she couldn't walk.

Okay well...TMI! But not the point. There's also Natasha's trailer . I'm sure she wouldn't mind since she doesn't use it.

I guess you're right. Tonight she's not walking. She won't be walking for the next MONTH!

I guess Y/n will need a wheelchair tonight. LOL.

No, no. She will need the ENTIRE HOSPITAL after tonight Maria.

Damnnnnnn. I gotcha.  You have fun with that😉

I put my phone down and I turned to my girlfriend. "Babe can we go?" She looked sad. "But I'm watching the movieeee." She gave the most adorable little kid voice ever. I can't say no to that but I'm horny and she has no idea I'll fuck her. "Baby." I sternly spoke. "Uh yeah?" I smiled at her attitude. Her attitude is so cute, she ties to be mad but just can't. I grabbed her hand and left the house. "Carol let go!" Am I hurting her? "I wanna stay for the movie." She rolled her eyes. "What's going to happen is ima fuck the shit out of you." Her checks went bright red. It's more red than a tomato. "I- um..T-that sounds. G-g-ood." She strutted out. "Figured my love." She practically melted at the pet name. Since me flying her is way too dangerous we took Maria's truck. I knew she didn't mind and besides it's not like we're fucking in the truck. I'll bring it back tomorrow morning. I drove for some time til I found Peter Parker's  apartment that he lived in with Aunt May. "Is Peter Parker home?" I asked Y/n. She laughed at the fact I said his full name. "Love you know you can just say Peter. And to answer your question, no he is not home. May isn't either." We both laughed. "IT'S HOW HE INTRODUCED HIMSELF TO ME!" I threw my hands up in defense. "PUT YOUR HANDS ON THE WHEEL." She screamed. I laughed and leaned over to peck her lips before returning my eyes to the road. I turned into the parking lot and we got out of the car. I locked the door and began to go up the stairs to the apartment. "You have a key right?." I asked Y/n to which she chuckled. "Im friends with May, of course I have a damn key." I kissed her forehead. She opened the door and we went inside. She locked the door to make sure no one comes in. If May comes in...we're fucked. Who cares!

3rd Person POV:
Carol and Y/n looked around at the beautiful apartment. "I'm kinda hungry Carol." Carol laughed and looked at her girlfriend. "Baby. I'm here for that reason." They both laughed. Carol kissed y/n slowly. Y/n pushed Carol to the wall. They pulled apart and took the clothes off. They grabbed hands and ran to Aunt Mays room while giggling. Carol pushed her to the bed and didn't hesitate. She immediately shoved three fingers inside of y/n. Thrusting pretty fast due to aunt May texting a few minutes ago saying she'll be home in 5 minutes. Little did she know Peters phone was at the house. Y/n came pretty quickly. "Alright let's go." Carol stopped her. "No." She smirked at y/n. "Hm?" "Lay. Down." Y/n did as asked and Carol hovered over y/n's mouth. She got the message and ate Carol out. Y/n shoved her tongue into Carol's pussy. She reached her climax. She came into y/n's mouth. They quickly put their clothes on and the second they got into the car. Aunt May arrived. Carol started the car and drove back to her best friends to cash for the night. "I'm never having sec again if it'll be that quick." Y/n pouted. "I'm sorry love. I can make it up to you in the morning when Maria and Monica leave." Carol put her hand on y/n's thigh. Y/n drew shapes on Carols hand. They drove back to Maria's and giggled the whole night.

Edit: Not her but like....this go so many read for what anyways here's a rabbit.
(My friend made this, idk but ima keep it. Like my friend made the edit part)

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