Chapter 7: Darcy Lewis

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This is request by my oldest sister. Me and her think Darcy is very hot.
I hope you all enjoy!
Y/n Pov:
I was getting ready to drive to the S.W.O.R.D headquarters to meet up with Darcy. We need to figure out a plan to get Wanda to stop her reality. I put on some normal clothes. I brushed my teeth, grabbed an apple and headed outside to my car. I unlocked the car and got inside. I started it and drove off. Twenty minutes later I arrived. I went inside and ran around to look for Darcy. "Oh hey Y/n." "Hey Drac." "New nickname?" "Yea." "It's cute." "Any updates on Maximoff?" "Not really. We sent a drone in there and she got PISSED. We trying to figure out other things." "Well have we tried talking to her?" "Yes but no. Jimmy said all the wrong words." "We'll send another drone in." "WHAT! ARE YOU CRAZY?!" "Yes. I'm very crazy. I work with the Avengers." "Shit- I trust you." "Thanks." We sent another drone in and Wanda was furious. "Y/N!" "My co-worker. Hey Maximoff." "What the fuck. I'm happy here. Me and Vision are living the life we couldn't." "Wanda you have captured numerous civilians. You can't do this." "Oh but watch me." "Wanda." I said sternly. "What. Do. You. Want?" "What I want is for you to stop. Maybe we can figure something out. Some way for you to be happy." "Can you bring back my parents?" "No." "My brother?" "No.." I sighed. "Or my lover?" "No. I cannot do any of that." I mumbled. "That's what I though. Now if you'll excuse me I have to get back to my kids." "Kids?" "Yes two boys." "What did you name them?" "Bill and Tommy." "That's great. Good for you Wanda. But you can't keep doing this." "But I can." "Wanda-" "goodbye y/n." "WANDA DJANGO MAXIMOFF. GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE NOW." I shouted. I have never said her full name. To be fair she isn't listening and cannot be doing this. "You did not!" "Oh but I did. And what are you going to do about it." I asked. Wanda was more pissed of them I have ever seen. She was more pissed when the battle with Thanos happened and she came back after being bliped. Wanda blasted me back. I flew very far and smacked my head. "That's what ima do. NOW LEAVE!" Darcy came running outside to help me. "OH MY GOD! Y/N ARE YOU OKAY?!" "I mean my head hurts a little bit but overall I'm completely alright." "I told you we shouldn't send another drone." "Well I thought since me and her know each other it would go well or at least alright." "I know you meant well but I can't have my best friend get hurt." "I understand. I'm sorry Darc." "It's okay." She helped me up and we went back to the tents.

"Wanna go back to my place and keep discussing? It's getting late Y/N." "Yeah I guess." I started thinking of what to do and my anxiety is through the roof. We went to Darcy's car. She unlocked it and we went inside. The second I shut the passenger door my leg started to rapidly shake. "Y/n?" "Uhh yeah?" I nervously looked at her. "What's going on?" "I just can't stand the thought of all those poor people. They are just trapped inside the hex." I let out a shaky breath "Listen you have a big heart. Like a very big heart but don't worry we will figure out something. I promise." "O-okay." We finally arrived at her place. We stepped out of the car and we went inside. "Did you change your wall color?" "Yeah, you like?" "Yeah. It's pretty dope." "Thanks." "Of course." We went to the couch and sat down. "How are we going to save those people?" I didn't say anything. My leg started rapidly shaking again. "Y/n?" I got up quickly got up. I started pacing around her living room. "You need to calm down." "Don't tell me to calm down Darc." "Okay, okay. I'm sorry." I continued pacing when I walked up to my best friend and started to make out with her. She pushed me away. "What are you doing?" "I need a distraction. Darc I need this right now." "Give me more context." "Like in horror movies people fuck as like a distraction." "Got it." We moved our faces closer and began making out. Darcy picked me up and my legs wrapped around her waist. We went upstairs to her bedroom. She opened the door and than closed it. No one would be coming so we didn't locked it.

Third Person Pov:
Darcy's hand's traveled to Y/n's waist. They continued to make out until Y/n took off Darcy's shirt. "Wow." She whispered under her breathe. Little did she know Darcy heard her. "Your cute Y/n." Y/n blushed. They took each others pants off. Y/n straddled Darcy's lap. They started moving their hips to create friction. Darcy was moaning. "Fuck-" Y/n moaned while throwing her head back. Y/n got off Darcy's lap and spread Darcy's legs apart. "Your pretty wet for me aren't you Darc?" "Maybe." There was a small wet spot on Darcy's blue laced underwear. Y/n took it off and stuck two fingers inside of her. Y/n was thrusting her fingers at a slow pace. "Mother fuck-" Darcy was cut off by her own moans. "Your funny." "Haha." Y/n chuckled at Darcy's sarcasm. Y/n kept thrusting in and out. She felt Darcy's walls closing in. She was reaching her climax. Y/n took her fingers out and licked them clean. Y/n began to eat Darcy out. She was licking and kissing her folds. "Holy shit. Your good at this." With that sentence, Y/n pushed her tongue further into Darcy's heat. Darcy came and Y/n swallowed every bit of the cum. "You taste so good Darc." Darcy's legs were numb. "My legs are numb and feel like jelly." "Can you walk?" "I'd like to think so." They cuddle up together and laid down. "Darc?" "Yeah?" "I think I'm in love with you.." "What do you mean?" "When we kissed. I-I felt something." "Felt what exactly?" "Like there was a spark. And my heart was telling me to never let you go. It was telling me to keep you and spend the rest of my life with you." "S-so." Darcy stuttered out. "Yea?" "Y/n L/n. Loves m-m-me?" "Yes." "Holy mother fucker! I've liked to for two years now." "Darc. Will you be my girlfriend?" "Yes, yes I will!"

Guys let me know if you like the 3rd person pic. Idk if I'm good at it. Sorry this one took so long. I didn't have my phone often and then I got sick. I'm so sorry. But it's here!

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