Chapter 2: Valkyrie

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Valkyrie Pov:
In honor of New Asgard and me becoming King i will be hosting a party for everyone in New Asgard. Im excited because my best friend y/n will be there and she loves my parties. I have a crush on her since we met but I haven't told anyone aside from Jane. I was getting ready when someone knocked on my door. "Come in!" "Sooooo. You going to get it with y/n?" "Are you crazy Jane. She's my best friend." "So what?" "What if she doesn't like me back?" "Then she's missing out." "Missing out on what?" "Are you serious?! Val you are like so sexy." I chuckled. "Thanks." She left and I continued to get ready.

Y/n Pov:
I was getting ready for the party when I started to think of Val. I've just recently started to like her when she put her hand on my thigh.

~~flash back~~
Val pov:
"Are you okay y/n?" "No I'm not, I'm freaking out. I got to see my family and we don't have the best relationship." I put my hand on her thigh. I mean yea I like her but it's for comfort. "You'll be okay. I promise." "Thanks."

Y/n pov:
Val put her hand in my thigh. "You'll be okay. I promise." Just in that moment I realized I like this girl. No I love her. I wanna date her and kiss her and fuck her and do all the shit. I wanna be with her forever. I don't wanna be friends.
~~flash back ends~~

Y/n pov:
I am planing to confess my love for her tonight. I put on a beautiful red dress that shows my boobs a bit but I wore it for her. It also had a slit that went up my thigh.

 It also had a slit that went up my thigh

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(Here is the dress)

The party was starting soon so I made my way to the town square.(idfk I made up a place to dance at New Asgard) I saw Val come outside and her outfit made me stare. She looked so gorgeous. She was wearing a black suit with a black tie but the outfit was breathtaking.

 She was wearing a black suit with a black tie but the outfit was breathtaking

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(Exactly this from Hawkeye. I love Kate she is so hot but Val is also hot. Just read)

Valkyrie pov:
When I saw y/n and she looked absolutely stunning. "I- uh." Shit Val your screwing up. "You look great Val." She smiled at me. "Y-y-you look fantastic." I think I fucked it up. "Shit." I mumbled to myself. "Thanks." "Your welcome." The party started and music started playing. We all had some drinks and we danced. I saw y/n grinding on some girl. I got jealous real quick.

Y/n pov:
I was grinding on some random girl hoping Val would get jealous or come and kiss me or something. All of a sudden someone pulled me away. It was Val. She brought me to some building and pushed my to the wall. "What the fuck y/n!" "What?!" "Don't you what me. I know your trying to make me jealous." "I don't know what your talking about." I looked away. "You're a terrible liar." I didn't look at her. "What do you want?" "I want you to fuck me. What do you want?" "I wanna fuck you." "Val you remember when you dated my friend?" "Yeah?" "She told me that your tongue was a ten out of ten as well as your fingers. I was told that they are magic." "Wanna find out?" She smirked at me. "Maybe." She pulled our faces closer to together. I felt her hot breathe. She smelled like peppermints. God I wanted this girl to kiss me. I couldn't take it anymore so I put my hands around her face and kissed her. She pull me by my waist to keep our bodies touching.

Valkyrie Pov:
I picked y/n up and she wrapped her legs around my waist. I supported her by holding up her ass. God her ass is so fat. I love everything about her. I brought her some bed. I laid her down and crawled on top of her. "Can I?" I was tugging at the straps on her dress. "Y-yes." I pulled her dress off. I loved the fact that she wasn't wearing a bra. "Nice tits." "Shut up and fuck me already Val." "Will do." I wanted to tease her first. I pulled her into my lap. I grabbed her hips and she started to grind on mine. "Hmmm." I moaned. "God this feel so good Val." "Your telling me." I moved her off me and she pulled me closer to her by my tie. She undid my tie as well as unbuttoning my shit and took it off. I took off my pants and underwear. I also took my bra off and she loved that view. I laid her down and took her underwear off. I kept circling my index finger around her heated core. "God Val for fuck me." "Use your manners baby." "Please mommy." And with that I stuck two fingers inside of her. "Your a little tight. First time?" "Uhh actually yeah it is." "Let me know if I'm being to rough then babes. I don't wanna hurt you." "Okay. God this feel so good." I smiled to myself. I immediately found her g-spot. Every time I went in I would curl my fingers. Poor y/n was a moaning mess. "V-V-Val." "Yes my love." "I'm getting close." I took my fingers out and attached my mouth in the same spot. I was using my tongue to thrust in and out. "Fuckkkkkk Val-" "I love when you moan my name." "Your tongue is like magic. Godddd." She moaned. Seconds later she cummed into my mouth. I licked up all the cum and passionately kissed her so she could taste herself. "I do taste good." "That's why I kissed you love." Y/n started kissing the back of my neck. I moved my hair and head to give her more access. She started to form hickeys which I loved. I kept moaning at every kiss.

Jane Foster Pov:
I was trying to find Valkyrie and Y/n but there was no sight of them. All of a sudden I hear moaning coming from one of the buildings. I went inside and saw a naked y/n and Val. "Oh guys had fun." "Yeah we did." Val moaned. "It took you guys a one night stand to figure out that you guys are in love?" "Yeah- Wait y/n your in love with me?!" "Val..I've been in love with you since you touched my thigh that one day. It made me realize that I want your body and I want to be with you more than anything. I don't wanna be friends." "I mean Val have you seen that way you guys look at each other. Friends don't look at friends that way." "Friends don't look at friends that way." Val repeated and whispered. After she repeated what I said she looked down and smiled. "What?" Y/n giggled. Val grabbed her face and passionately kissed her. "Y/n will you be my girlfriend?" "YES VAL YES!" Val pulled y/n into her lap and kissed her. "You guys are forgetting you both are butt ass naked." We all laughed. They put their clothes on and we all went back to the party.

Y/n pov:
By the end of the night I got laid for the first time and I got a girlfriend. And a first kiss.

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