Chapter 9: Maria Hill

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Maria Pov:
"Director she won't talk." I told Nick Fury. "We have to get her to talk." "Well did she even commit this crime?" "Weather she did it or not we need her to talk and see if she knew the victim." Fury sternly expressed. I walked back into the room to question her. "Ms.L/n. I'm agent Hill. Did you know James?" "I'm not saying shit." She was gorgeous. No Hill! You can't! "So um how long am I here for?" "Til we say so." This girl was so amazing. I couldn't take my eyes off her and I guess she couldn't either. "You're pretty cute." She flirted with me. "Don't pull that." "No, no I'm serious." "You're pretty cute too but did you know the victim?" She sighed. "Yea I did..James was a bully." "Like to everyone?" "Yup. Went to high school with him." "Let me guess ruined everyone's life type of bully?" "You could say that. He more so fucked with every girl he could get before dumping them as well as, lighting shit on fire." "Holy shit." "Right." We kept talking for some time and I found out that she's single. We kept flirting here and there but I wasn't sure on what was going on between us. Eventually I had to get up and leave only to find out hat she can leave. I took her cuffs off and led her out of the building."whatcha doing later?" She asked me. "Nothing. Why?" "Let me take you out." "Why so you can kill me?" "Haha very funny." She sarcastically says. "I wouldn't kill you. I'm not a killer." "I believe you." She looked at me with lust in her eyes. "You know most people aren't very fond of me." "Why's that?" "I was a complete jerk before. As well as.." She stopped talking. "What's wrong?" "I accidentally killed my parents when I was younger.." I gave her a hug. "Can I ask why?" "When I was around ten years old I was helping my mom cook, I didn't pay attention and the house caught on fire. I was sent to foster care for the next eight years. No one wanted me in there homes and called me 'Bad Luck Kid' and that I would kill everyone." "Over an accident?!" "Yup." She sighed. I put hand on her shoulder. "Listen you are so much better than people say." "You don't get to say that. You barley know me." "Well I'd like to get to know you." I smiled at her. Our head leaned forward. Our lips touched. We had just shared our first kiss.

Y/n pov:
I just kissed her. We pulled apart. "I never got your name?" "Hill. Maria Hill." I stared at her. "What?" She laughed awkwardly. "Nothing. You're just..really beautiful." She smiled and looked down. "Wanna go back to my place Y/n?" "I'd like that." We shared one more kiss before getting in her car. "So, how long have you been working with Fury?" "Uhh I don't know actually. A long time." "Wow. I do wanna ask, what's your sexuality?" "I'm a lesbian."(if you look it up she is one so I found my wife other than Nat). "That's awesome. I'm Bi." "Cool. We're here now." Maria got out of the car and walked around the over side to open the door for me. "Wow. She's sweet too." "Well there's been girls in my life." "And now they aren't here?" "Well yk how relationships goes." "That I do." She opened the door and we walked inside. "Wow." I let out a low breath. Her house was beautiful. "The house and the homeowner are beautiful. That's something that doesn't happen." She looked at me with lust and smirked. "Well what about the guest in the house?" "What about her?" "I think she's beautiful. In fact she's more than beautiful."  That was the final straw for me. I couldn't contain myself. I crashed my lips onto hers. She kissed me back which I very much enjoyed. She had her tongue around my bottom lip asking for access. Which I granted. She deepened the kiss by doing that. "Mmm" I moaned into mouth. She pulled her soft lips off of mine and moved them to my neck. "Shit Maria." I could feel her smirking against my neck. So far she was just kissing my neck. She slowly started to suck on my skin. "You belong to me right?" She mumbled against my neck. "Well.." I moaned quietly. "I'd like to." I could feel her smile. I pushed her off of me and pulled her back in my using her shirt. My eyes was met by her gaze. She looked at me as if she didn't want this to end. "Bold move L/n." "No, what the bold move is you bringing me here and wanting to sleep with me after you just questioned me." "You wanna sleep with me too and you know it." "Hmm. That I do." We let out a small chuckle. We moved away to strip down. Our clothes were.. well somewhere. "Lay down." "I won't be listening to you Hill." "Lay down or I won't let you cum." Damnit. She got me with the whole 'you can't cum.' Damn she's so good and so fucking breathtaking. "Fine." I laid down. She spread my legs. She blew cold air on my pussy. Doing that made me shiver. "Ready for the best night of your life?" "I take it as an hour of my life I'm not getting back." "You're such an ass. Did you know that?" "But you love me." For some reason that made her freeze. "Maria? Hello?" "Hm? What did you say?" "I said 'but you love me' are you okay?" "Yeah I'm fine." She looked at me for consent which I obviously gave to her. She dove right in and starting eating me out. "Mmm. Fuckkkk." I breathed out. Fucking god. The things her tongue can do! She looked up at me. "What?" "Are you enjoying yourself darling?" "Yes, yes I am Maria." She blushed and dove back in. She kept doing what she does best. I started feeling a bubble form in My stomach. I was reaching my orgasm. My climax was coming. I was going to cum. "Maria..I'm going to cum." I moaned out. She shook her head. "Fuckkk. Hmm that feels so good." I knew she wasn't going to let me cum. "You know I'm not going to let you cum right?" "Yeah." I grunted. "I know Hill." I moaned out. She removed her mouth from my pussy. She positioned herself above me before putting her leg over my stomach to make sure that our pussy's were lined up. "Are we?" "Can we?" Maria asked. "I mean I'd love to scissor with you." I blushed at her and she smirked at me before she started to grind on my pussy. The friction felt so good. "Holy shit Y/n." She breathed out. "This was a good idea Maria." I moaned. "Okay I'm going to cum." She told me. "Ready when you are." I stared into her eyes. "Okay, okay. 3....2....1..." She counted down. She came done from our highs as we slowed down the pace.

Maria Pov:
That was so fun! I picked her up and brought her to my bathroom. "So this is the famous Hill washroom?" "Uhh I guess." We laughed. I ran us a warm bath before she crashed at me place. I never left her side after we sex. She never mine either.


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