Chapter 14: MJ

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Y/n pov:
I walked over to Peters locker. "Hey Pete!" He turned around and our eyes met. "Hey sis." We began walking to lunch. Peter and Ned sat together while staring at Liz. "Did Liz get a new top?" Peter asked his best friend. "No we've seen that but not that skirt." "We should probably stop staring before it gets creepy." My girlfriend of five months, Mj buts in. "Already is. You guys are losers." I laughed. Peter gave a confused look. "Why do you sit here?" Ned asked my girlfriend. "Because I don't have any friends." I smacked her arm playfully. "I'm right here." She stared into my eyes. "You're my girlfriend and best friend." I kissed her cheek. "You guys are weird." Peter told us. "And you have no parents!" I yelled back. "Dude. We're twins." Peter explained. MJ giggled. Mj wrapped her arm around me. "Yeah whatever." I responded. Lunch ended and we all went to class. "Love you, see you at my house after school?" Mj asked me before seventh period started. "Yea of course and love you too." She blew me a kiss not wanting to really show PDA. Mj isn't the type to really be lovey in public anyway. When we're alone she can be...very... touchy...

Mj pov:
My final class of the day ended and I ran down the halls to y/ns class. She greeted me with a hug which I happily returned. She went to hold my hand but I just moved my hand away. "Sorry-" Y/n looked upset. I didn't mean to hurt her but I just don't like PDA in general. "Don't apologize.. we can do that stuff at your house. That is if.. if you want too." Y/n smiled. "Yes I always do." Y/n told me.

Time skip to after school. Mj is knocking at the door to Y/n's house

Y/n pov:
I heard knocking at my door and ran downstairs. "MJ!!" I screamed excitedly. I opened the door and jumped into my girlfriends arms. Mj caught me, I wrapped my legs around her waist and my arms around her neck. She held me like a baby. "I missed you baby." I told Mj. "I missed you too princess." When Mj told me that, I blushed deeply. My face probably looked like I was sunburn due to how hard I was blushing. "I- I love you.." I wind up stuttering. MJ just smirked at me and responded, "I love you too darling." THAT SENT MY HEART INTO HEAVEN!!! I absolutely loved when she called me 'Darling'.

3rd person pov:

MJ takes Y/n to her bedroom. In MJ's bedroom, MJ slowly pushes Y/n to the bed. "Oh.." Y/n gasps. Mj straddles Y/n. Y/n has a huge blush spread across her face. Mj is smirking at Y/n and Y/n is blushing. Mj takes off of Y/n's shirt. There's clothes scattered all over the place. Bras in the most ridiculous place ever. MJ lays Y/n on the bed and shoves two fingers inside of her pussy. The only sound that's heard is Y/n'a moaning loudly. "Such a good girl.." MJ had whispered Y/n's ear. Y/n kept moaning until she took a sharp breath. Y/n was getting close so she pushed herself further onto MJ's fingers. Mj smirked and starts making out with Y/n as she continued to pump away. Y/n cums into MJ's fingers, Mj takes her fingers out and licks them clean before licking Ik the rest of Y/n's juices. For the rest of the day/night, they cuddled in bed and had the blanket over their bodies. Y/n was very happy and satisfied..

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