"Evelyn what are you doing here with... him" he looked at Luke up and down. I felt Landon leave my side and hide behind his dads legs as Walter walked closer to us
"Hi, Walter. I'm enjoying the fair with Luke and his son Landon" I said trying to get out of this situation. I was about to walk away but Walter wasn't giving up
"Eve hanging around with this type of crowd is going to give people the wrong idea" he tried to whisper but Luke heard him. I picked up Landon and covered his ears as Luke stepped forward pushing me behind him
"Type of crowd? Speak with your chest dirty pig" Luke said angrily. People were beginning to stare and I didn't want them to make a scene especially in front of Landon
"Luke lets just go" I grabbed his shoulder begging to leave
"Don't want to show your real side in front of her and the kid " Walter smirked wanting Luke to react. I couldn't believe he was acting like this in public. Walter was 32 years old acting like a child in front of a child!
"You're not even worth it" Luke pushed passed him with his shoulder and I followed behind. Everyone was whispering around us and Landon hit his face in my shoulder with his arms tight on my neck
"Yea, run away like always Luke! The whole town knows who you truly are!" Walter yelled loud enough for everyone to hear. I covered Landons ears even more
We walked back to the car and I buckled Landon in his carseat. He ended up falling asleep in my arms and my heart broke knowing he had to witness that. I got in the passenger seat and watched Luke rest his hand on the wheel
Reaching my hand over to touch his neck but he jerked up fast looking at me with teary eyes. I retracted my hand back and looked down at my lap. He looked like he wanted to bawl his eyes out but had to stay strong in front of Landon.
We didn't say anything as he started the car heading home
I noticed we had skipped the exit to nana house and looked at Luke confused
"I have to get him home in bed. He has school in the morning I'll drop you back after" was all he said after noticing my confusion. I nodded my head as he drove further down the street then made a right turn passing a few more tree we pulled up to a big house closed off from the rest of town.
When they said he lived at the end they weren't kidding...
I hoped out the car and followed Luke inside as he carried Landon and opened the door. Stepping the house was furnished with pretty old school pieces the layout was wider than nana but looked older. I walked around taking in the space and found myself in the kitchen. Luke came down the stairs and walked inside opening a cabinet taking a glass out and poured some liquor
He offered me a glass but I declined. Wasn't much of a drinker and this wasn't a time for bourbon. I wanted to ask if he was ok after running into Walter but was scared what his reaction would be. Luke had this temper behind him that was like a ticking bomb
He finished chugging his glass and grabbed his keys "ready?" he asked me but I stood steal standing near his couch. I was scared of what I was about to do knowing his reaction would vary but I couldn't ignore how hurt he looked. I moved closer and wrapped my hands around his neck
He frozen not hugging me back "I'm sorry about earlier. Landon didnt deserve to witness that and Walter was cruel" I lightly sobbed in shoulder. Luke ended up putting his arm around me while the other rubbed my head
"Why are you apolgizing? He didn't say anything to you" Luke said emotionlessly. I lifted my head from his shoulder and looked at him in disbelief. Even if it wasn't directed at me I blame myself in a way because he only came to us to talk to me
"I don't have to experience something to sympathize with a person" I stated. This man was like a tough nut he refused to be cracked and every time I tried with him I always regret it. I moved away from him and headed to the door walking outside.
"Evelyn, I'm sorry. You were just trying to help" he said stopping me from leaving. I looked at his hand holding my wrist
"Its hard for me to open up to people. No one around is much of my fan so... trust is rare" he spoke softly rubbing circles with his thumb on my hand
"I understand that but you keep pushing me away when all I do is try. I enjoy hanging around you and Landon. I don't care what anyone has to say its all talk when they've never been around you" I said staring into his eyes
"I know and I'm sorry" I felt he was being genuine and decided to forgive him. It was hard to trust anyone out here so I understood where he was coming from
"Its ok. How about we just start over with no outside distractions" I smiled at him
Friends?" I added seeing we give a label to our new relationship
He nodded and we both walked to the car. His hand was still in mine and I was blushing like a kid
Luke drop me home and sat in silence the whole way. He never let go of my hand and I enjoyed the warmth of his big hands over mine. We shortly pulled up to nana's house and hoped out the car. He walked me to the front porch "thanks for coming. I think Landon had a great time" he thanked me
"It was my pleasure. I don't know if you've noticed but I've grown a liking to him" I said as we both laughed about Landon
"I'm happy he has someone like you" Luke replied holding my hand again. I couldn't stop blushing and was thankful for this melanin to cover my cheeks turning red
"Well I should go to bed. I'm working from home tomorrow so you don't have to take me in the city" I said letting go of his hand. He nodded and waved goodnight as we departed. I watched him from the living room window drive back home and let out a heavy breath
Something changed between us... every time I'm around him my gut starts to turn from anticipation
"Fun night" I jumped in my seat turning to see nana in front of the stairs smirking
"You could say that" I said getting going to my room
"Mmm, happy you two are getting along" she said before heading upstairs
I thought the same but I feared this was more than a normal friendship

Southern Hospitality
Romance"Maybe she needed someone to show her how to live and he needed someone to show him how to love" - N.R Hart A southern love story