9 months later
"Smile for grandma Leo" my mother cheesed as she jumped my baby up and down on her lap
It was mid July and Luke and I were finally getting married. We decided to host it in Chicago at the church I grew up in, it meant a lot to me to have it in my hometown and Luke was more than supportive. My parents were also more than open to having us over as they missed the boys
Luke ended up being correct... I gave birth to a healthy baby boy 3 months ago. Leo shocked us all as we were expecting a girl, Luke was so excited when the doctor told us the gender. Another hard headed boy to keep us busy and I'm not referring to Landon
I was really excited to be home, I've been able to show Landon all my favorite spots in Chicago and I think he's beginning to love it. We came a week early to spend time together as a family before everyone came but it's been so exciting showing my boys the city
"I wish you guys could live here" my mother cried as she gave me Leo
He was getting restless, "I know but you know that's Landon's home. Moving would be a lot for him" I said trying to calm Leo down as he kept whining
My mom has been trying to convince us to move up north but I keep telling her our little home in Tennessee is all we need. Luke and Landon were in the opposite room with the men as they got ready. Leo was supposed to be over there but he kept crying for me they had to bring him in here. I couldn't believe I was getting married today, everything was surreal
"How do you feel?" Amber asked as she finished fixing my head piece
Everyone was inside seated and all I had to do was walk down the aisle now, "I'm ready" I smirked as I've been waiting to marry this man given I was the one who held off for so long
"I'm excited for you too. I always had a feeling Luke was going to win your heart" she said giving me a hug
My mother took Leo with her as they all left my room to go to their seats. I walked to the entrance and meet my father as we interlocked arms. The doors opened and a light piano played as I walked down the aisle. We had Heaven as our flower girl, though she was almost 3 years old she did so good as she threw the flowers all over the place
I could see Luke at the end cheesing hard as he tried to act natural. Landon was next to him as his best man and it honestly made me shed a tear, he was growing up into such a fine youngman man. As we got closer I noticed Luke was wiping his eyes he was such a big baby, I joked trying to hold back my own tears
Once we got to the alter my dad placed my hands in Lukes, "take care of my babygirl" he said patting Luke's back before sitting down with my mom and Leo
The priest began talking as I stared into Luke bright blue eyes, I couldn't believe this was happening. The wedding venue was just as I imagined, we decorated with white tuples and had all of our closet friends and family. Luke and I wanted an intimate wedding so our guest list only consisted of our friends and family
"I will now begin the vows" the priest said
Luke cleared his throat as he went first, "My darlin Evelyn you quite literally fell into my life, I will always remember the day you tackled me outside of your nana's backyard because you thought I was a thief. I assumed Abigail had some deranged granddaughter and I was correct because you shock my life harder than earthquake. Darlin you have been stubborn, strong, emotional, compassionate, loving and so much to me. You took me and my son in like we have been in your life for years and darlin I couldn't have asked God for anybody else. I know I've made my mistakes and almost lost you but I want you to know I cried everyday for you and I'm so happy to have you back in my arms. I love the family we're building and couldn't ask for anybody else to grow old with, darlin I'll love you till we're old and wrinkling so thank you for shaking my life up. I love you Evelyn"
I was officially crying worse than Leo, the priest gave me a minute to get myself together as I blew into the tissue. This was so embarrassing Luke has me crying in front of everyone
"I told myself I wouldn't ruin my makeup but dang it Luke" I whined as everyone laugh
"Luke I could write a book about our story, the day I met you I was wondering why my nana had this huge white man walking around her yard but you later turned into my other half and I am so grateful we found each other. My life before you was boring and repetitive but you gave me so many first and getting to learn to love you is something I would never trade. There were countless of arguments we had but I am blessed God brought us here today and I honestly can't imagine myself with anyone else. I feel you've already granted me with two huge blessings as our sons remind me of the love we bring in our family. Your hospitality and patience has been something I've always admired about you and I'm so happy to be at this alter with all of our loved ones. Luke it will always be you and me" I ended as everyone clapped
Who knew the vows were going to make me that emotional, this was such a beautiful day I couldn't control my hormones. After a few minutes the priest finally got to the part we all have been waiting for
"Do you take Evelyn Smith as your lawfully wedded wife" the priest asked
"Yes, 3,000 times!" he yelled so loud in the room
We all laughed at his antics, "do you take Luke Carson as your lawfully wedded husband"
"Yes!" I screamed
"Well, I now pronounce you husband and wi-"
Before he could even finish Luke pulled me by the waist before smacking his lips on mine confirming the union. Everyone cheered as I held on his chest, Landon ran over and gave us a tight hug. My mom came over and gave us baby Leo and I felt my life was complete
"Picture of the beautiful family!" My dad yelled as they brought out the Polaroid
Landon stood in the middled as I carried Leo on my hip with Luke on the other side pulling us together for the photo. I kissed his cheek before the flash and we all cheered for the newly weds
"Boys, your mother is finally a Carson" Luke yelled as Landon cheered with him and Leo showed his gummy smile
"My boys" I smiled giving each of them a bunch of kisses

Southern Hospitality
Romance"Maybe she needed someone to show her how to live and he needed someone to show him how to love" - N.R Hart A southern love story