Checking the time I began to pack my desk, it was currently 5:30pm and Luke would be here any second to take me on our "surprise date"
He had been texting me non-stop since my lunch break. I had no idea what this giant man was planning but I stopped questioning him and just went along with it. After lunch with Nia I was questioning what we were but I feel maybe now isn't the best time to ask... I mean we just got on good terms again
"Are you leaving out?" Nia asked as she came to my desk
I nodded my head and we both went downstairs together as our day was over and her ride was outside.
"Any plans for tonight?" she asked as we left the elevator
Playing with my fingers I couldn't contain the blush creeping on my face, "I may have a date... with Luke today"
Nia made a dramatic gasp and turned around staring at me with a grin, "the country white boy who isn't your boyfriend but y'all act like a couple" she joked
Hearing her say that kind of made my heart hurt again, when you put it like that it sounds like were friends with benefits expect... there are no benefits
"Well, without that extra long intro... yes" I answered walking away from her giggling
Nia followed behind fast as we walked outside. The sun was setting and I spotted Luke's truck instantly. The pain in my heart quickly vanished as I saw him standing outside with flowers, I couldn't even contain the sudden blush on my face
"Is that him?" Nia whispered
I nodded my head smiling at Luke, "the flowers are nice... are you sure y'all aren't dating" she said stalking him
I began to blush as the flowers were beautiful and I couldn't believe he got them. "I'll see you next week Nia!" I said giving her a hug before I walked over to meet Luke
"Go get your white boy girl!" she screamed making sure everybody heard
I was extremely embarrassed as I walked faster to Luke's car. He looked amazing tonight his hair was hanging in front of his face as he wore a bottom down with loose jeans and his typical cowboy boots. Its funny how just a few months ago I was strangling him because I thought he was breaking into my house. Now I'm drooling for the same man
"Hey" I cheered standing in front of him to lean in for a hug
"Hello, Darlin" he replied in his deep accent
"Is that your friend back there?"
I hid my face inside his chest not knowing how to describe Nia's actions, "yes... she is very out spoken"
"Mmmm, well... I like her energy" he laughed
I rolled my eyes and stepped back eyeing the pink tulips he held in his hand. They looked gorgeous and I was shocked he even knew those were my favorite flowers...
"Hop in" he said causing me to look away from the bouquet
Once Luke was in the car we started to leave my office and head to town. He had the flowers placed in the back seat and I kept eyeing them from the mirrors... why didn't he already give them to me?
"How was work" Luke asked breaking the silence
"oh... it was good. We have a new project so it's a lot of meetings and planning" I mumbled
"That's good, the shop was packed today" he said starting a conversation
I was too distracted by the flowers I wasn't paying attention to anything he said. Nia's words mixed with Savannah's kept playing in my head... what were we? "Was he still in love with Savannah?" Could I even believe a word she says...
"Eve, are you listening?" he asked as we came to a stop light
"Who are the flowers for?" I finally asked turning my head to him
I watched his face grow red as he bit his lip, "ahhh, those I picked up while waiting on you. We have to pick up Landon today and ummm, Savannah asked me to bring her some" he mumbled breaking eye contact from
I nodded my head not responding anymore. I feel so idiotic for assuming those for me... it hurts even more that he's brining them to his ex. I got quiet for the rest of the ride as I felt embarrassed and a little hurt
I wanted to act unbothered but the closer we got to Savannah apartment the more sour my mood became. Luke didn't say anything else either as I assumed he noticed my silence. We came to stop as he parked on the side street
"I'll be right back" he said leaning over to kiss my cheek before leaving the car
I just ended up nodding my head as he left, once he headed inside I pulled out my phone and called Amber. We haven't talked in a while but right now I needed her as I was loosing my mind. After a few rings she answered
"Evie hey!" she sang joyfully
"Amber, thank god you answered" I cried holding back my anger
"What's wrong? You sound kind of sad"
I didn't even know where to start... sad wasn't even all the emotions I was feeling right now.
"No, just tired?" I asked rethinking my words
I don't know if I want to involve everybody in this again. I mean would it make a difference? Luke clearly has something going on that I don't know about and I'm playing wife to somebody who can't tell me if were dating or not
"Evelyn... tell me what's wrong" she said noticing my indifference
"I... I just... I don't know what to do about my feelings for Luke" I mumbled rubbing my forehead
"Aren't y'all dating?" she questioned
Everyone thinks were together expect the people in the relationship I sighed to myself
"No, Luke hasn't really directed that and i'm starting to think he might think otherwise" I whispered
"Dang, Evie I'm sorry to hear that. Have y'all talked about anything? Or have you expressed your feelings?" she asked
I honestly don't recall talking about it much. I think I brought it up once but I was always scared to question anything because I didn't want to seem like I was causing another argument. It was already embarrassing that I've been begging him to have sex with me...
"Well, not a lot..."
"I think you both need to have a conversation Evie" she laughed
I was wondering if I should mention the flowers but maybe Amber was right, I could be jumping to conclusion and I haven't forced many conversations on the topic
"I guess..." I said watching Luke step out the building with a sleeping Landon in his arms
"I gotta go, call you back" I said quickly hanging up as he opened the back seat
I turned around and smiled at Landon's cute sleeping body. He looked like he had a fun time tonight and I was happy to see him again
"I have to drop him at home then we can go out, I was going to see if Abigail could babysit since Savannah was pressed to get him off her hands" he grumbled getting in the front
"We can just chill at yours" I said thinking about Amber's advice this could give us time to talk
Luke gave me a warm smile as he pulled me into a slow kiss, "you're the best" he whispered before starting the car
I don't how but anytime he touched me all past thoughts left my mind... somehow I wasn't thinking about the flowers anymore and was a cheesing mess. The affect of this man was dangerous for me

Southern Hospitality
Romance"Maybe she needed someone to show her how to live and he needed someone to show him how to love" - N.R Hart A southern love story