When I got the call from Landons teacher I already had a feeling what it was about. Since he's started school there have been a few altercations between him and some other classmates. Whenever I went up there his teacher would always make it seem like Landon was in an unstable home environment and we never got anywhere cause I'd start an argument
They started to call Savannah and the last time she came we got in a huge fight. It was the talk of town for weeks everyone was saying we were unfit parents for fighting in front of Landon. Some said Savannah wanted to be with her son as if I was the one stopping anything.
I felt like a fool asking Evelyn to accompany me it was a moment of weakness. There was a lot going on at the store plus that call... I kind of broke down and irrationally asked.
I didn't expect her to say yes but here we are now. Abigail was kind enough to drop Landon this morning and now I'm on my way to her house to pick up Evelyn before we go to school. I had no idea how to feel about everything lately I've been letting into my messy life and she's acted as if everything is normal. I trust her but I'm waiting for the worst to happen and she ends up running like the rest do
I picked up my phone and answered the incoming call
"Luke! Hey, its me Evelyn on my nana's home-phone. I would have called from mine but then I realized we don't actually have each others number so then I was thinking of ways to contact you since nobody is home but I saw the home phone and dialed the first number and luckily it was you!" she ranted into the phone
Evelyn talked a lot probably more than Landon and he was 5. I enjoyed it though it was nice to have somebody besides George or Abigail and she always seemed excited to see me... which was new
"Umm, anyways I also wanted to know when you would be here" she added after noticing my silence
"I'll be there in 30 minutes" I answered looking at my watch. The meeting is at 12:30 and I was low-key wishing I didn't have to deal with this today
I pulled up to Abigail's house and waited for Evelyn to come out. The door opened and I saw her walk out she had on a blue dress that outlined her body perfectly. She pulled her hair back with a few strains hanging in the front wearing a pair of plain sneakers.
"Hey, sorry for making you wait" she smiled getting in the passenger seat
Her perfume hit my nose hard and she smelled heavenly. I been noticing small detail about Evelyn since the carnival when she didn't know how to work the game and I helped her. The same vanilla scent started to attack my heart. Now whenever she's around I cant help but smile and stare
"Are you ready to go? It's almost 12:30" she said looking at her phone
I nodded and started the car. Evelyn did most of the talking on the way as I sat and listened to everything she said
"I was kind of shocked you asked me to come" she said tugging a piece of hair behind her ear
"Mmmm. Thank you for agreeing" I grumbled too shy to say anything else. I was still a little embarrassed over the way I asked
We shortly pulled up to the school and got out the car. Evelyn walked besides me as we opened the doors heading to Landons classroom. I wanted to hold her hand but decided against it since we were in public and she probably wouldn't want that type of attention
Once we got to the door i opened it and we saw Landon sitting on the carpet
"Daddy!" he screamed getting up and running over to me

Southern Hospitality
Romance"Maybe she needed someone to show her how to live and he needed someone to show him how to love" - N.R Hart A southern love story