Today was Friday and I had Landon over as Luke had to go into town urgently, he asked me to watch him until Savannah came to pick him up. My nana wasn't home today as her and Amber were out shopping
We've been joking lately that George might purpose so Amber has been on high alert. I mean they've been dating for 3 years... it's about time he tie the knot. Landon was watching Tv in the living room while I fixed us some quick snacks
Since my run in with Savannah at Luke's store yesterday its been awarded for me. This past month he had been more distant... part of me was concerned because this was different from the Luke I knew. It was hard to explain because we still had our usual movie nights that now ended with sex but I just felt he was hiding something
We used to tell each other everything... I was a little shocked he never told me that he had been going to Savannah's house but I didn't want to overstep. When I asked if they had anything going on he told me they were over and I want to trust him but since she came to the store. He's just been weird
Walking to the couch I passed the popcorn to Landon and sat besides him, "Evelyn I like when you watch me more than Miss Abigail" he joked
I laughed as Landon always put a smile on my face. Nana was pretty hard on him as she felt he didn't have enough discipline between Savannah and Luke. Both spent more times arguing than parenting some days but when I was with Landon I liked to treat him like a kid
"Don't let my nana hear that" I smiled rubbing his hair
The door bell suddenly rang and I jumped from the couch assuming it was Savannah. It was only 7pm and she said she'd come closer to 9pm. I opened the door and was met with Savannah, she wore a maxi dress and had sandals on walking inside
"Landon!" she cheered as he heard her voice and ran to the door
"Mom! You're early" he laughed giving her a hug
Somedays I could see Savannah in Landon, obviously his blonde hair came from her but they also had similar facial structure. It was adorable to see how precious their relationship was... though Luke and her relationship didn't work out, I could tell they value Landons well being
Lately I felt Savannah and I have come to a better understanding with each other. She's been saying less rude things to me in public and actually thanked me for watching Landon, I didn't know where this sudden change of feelings came from but I wasn't complaining
"Hey, how about you go get your stuff while I talk to Evelyn" she smiled as Landon nodded and left us alone in the foyer
"Ummm, do you want something to drink? Landon and I went shopping and he got a few toys" I said walking to the kitchen
Savannah nodded and we both entered my grandmothers kitchen, I pulled out the lemonade she had made last night and pour two glasses. I honestly had no idea what she wanted to talk about
"Well, I just wanted to say thanks for watching Landon again" she started sipping the lemonade
I was still getting used to this nice Savannah so I didn't know how to always react, "Of course" I said shyly
"Its been great help especially with this new job. Plus, since my mother has been in town I've been so stressed. Sometimes she gets on my nerves" she said relaxing in the seat
"I get that" I laughed thinking of my own mother
Since I moved here she hasn't taken much time to call me, she thinks nana will be around and simply doesn't want to be bothered with family. My father on the other hand texts me a lot and we send daily updates
"Mother's are difficult but what would we do without them" I joked
"They are... but having your own kid changes your entire perspective" Savannah laughed setting the glass on the counter
Savannah became a parent at a young age and I couldn't imagine how that was for her, though we had our difference I sometimes understood her. Given she hasn't been the sweetest to me... I never held that against her and always welcomed her
Savannah began to cleat her throat and shift in her chair, "I actually wanted to apologize to you today..."
I paused and watched as she sighed looking down at her fingers, "when Luke came over I just needed him to fix my sink since its been leaking. The first time we were chill and nothing happened but after the third night we ended up drinking and making out... then slept together" she whispered the last part
My entire body stopped and I started at Savannah in disbelief. He told me he had to fix her sink once...
"It was a total mistake but you must understand Luke... he has issues when it comes to relationships but I really believe he's different with you" she started over explaining but my ears were numb
No wonder he was so quick to rush Savannah out the shop yesterday!
"Ummm, how long ago was this?" I asked coughing a bit to cover my anger
"It happened last week" she mumbled as guilt swarmed her face
It felt like my heart shattered into a million pieces when she said that... last week?!?! Why did he never tell me this, I thought to myself. I couldn't even formulate a response as betrayal and hurt were evident throughout my body
"Evelyn, I'm extremely sorry and I never wanted to hurt-"
"I think... its best you, ummm leave" I said cutting off her sentence
I had to process this... alone. Savannah nodded and stood up as she went to grab Landon. I felt my eyes pull with tears but tried to cover it. I opened the front door and gave Landon a goodbye hug before they walked out
Savannah looked extremely guilty but didn't say anything else as they left. Once the door closed everything inside opened, I fell to the floor crying. Never in my life have I ever felt like this... Luke had been avoiding me because he's guilty of lying
I couldn't believe this was even happening, I didn't move here to get my heart crushed by a man. How could I have been so stupid? I don't even know what hurts more... Savannah being the one to tell me or the fact Luke was just going to act like it never happened
I have been questioning our relationship and myself while this whole time he was reconnecting with his ex. Sitting on the floor I just cried... my phone began to ring and I saw it was Nia
Picking it up I answered while sniffling, "hey girl, are you crying?" she asked worried
"Nia... he lied to me" I cried into the phone

Southern Hospitality
Romance"Maybe she needed someone to show her how to live and he needed someone to show him how to love" - N.R Hart A southern love story