Chapter 24

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Sitting in the office I was going through my next few projects. Me and a few other co-workers were finalizing a remodel for a house and it's been rigors to achieve the clients goal. They wanted everything that was impossible... 

"Eve!" I heard my co-worker Nia sing as she walked up to my desk 

She's been at the company for 3 years and helped me adjust when I first started. Now that it's been four months of working we've become great friends. That and she's one of the few black co-workers I have

"Yes" closing my laptop I gave her my full attention 

"How do you feel about joining me for lunch?" 

I had no plans for lunch. Usually Luke would come down to hang with me and we'd go out but Landon had a doctors appointment today. Hanging with Nia would be fun and she's my only friend out here besides my family and Luke

"I would love that! Where are we going?" I asked grabbing my purse 

"I know a nice spot nearby" was all she said as I followed her to the elevator 

We made it downstairs and left the building. Nia said it was only a 10min walk so we didn't need to drive. I was fine with that as Nashville was beautiful at this hour

"So... Evelyn Branson. I've known you for 4 months but this is the first time we've actually hung out" Layla said breaking our silence 

I nervously started laughing as I didn't know what to say. "I mean you live in the city while I travel back to the country"

"Yes, with the fine white man that picks you up everyday... might I add" my cheeks began to blush because I never thought anybody at worked saw Luke pick me up or even cared about my life 

"He is attractive..." I mumbled walking a little faster 

"Evelyn! Wait, spill the tea" Nia laughed running up to me and linking our arms 

I haven't told anyone about Luke and I. Mainly because Amber has been extremely busy and I have no friends out here to gossip with. Besides I still have no clue what we are... 

We stood in front of a small cafe and walked inside. The interior was beautiful as they had flowers all around the room. It looked like a sandwich spot and Nia spoke to the waiter asking for a table

The lady was quick to seat us and soon we were both sitting across each other taking in the scenery. 

"So, can I get information on this new boyfriend" Nia was quick to ask 

I didn't even know where to start... everything is still brand-new since I forgave him and we became friends again

"Luke is somebody in my life... but there is no real title" I said sipping on my water  

"Wait??? This man has been coming to our office since you started working here and there is no title" 

Nia had a point we hang out almost everyday and cuddle in his bed. Kiss... a lot, but I still don't know if we're even exclusive. The waiter came back and we both ordered a penni sand-which

"Well... it took us some time to get even here. A lot of arguing and then drama with his baby mother" I added trying to distract my mind 

"Baby mother? Girl, he has a kid" Nia almost screamed 

I let out a small laugh from Nia's reaction. Now that I think of it its kind of crazy to say out loud. I never imagined I would be dating a man with a kid and baby mother but here I am. My mother would deeply disapprove 

"Yes, but I rarely talk to her" I answered stuffing the sandwich in my mouth 

I know Savannah isn't a fan of me and though it pained me I didn't talk about it much with Luke because I didn't want to make a scene. She is still Landon's mother and it wasn't my place to interfere 

"Is she nice?" Nia asked waiting for me to give her the truth 

"Well..." I began trying to conjure up an excuse 

"I knew it! Your body language gave everything away" Nia smirked 

"Savannah isn't bad... we just aren't close" I didn't know how to explain our relationship. Anytime she was around it always led to an argument with Luke and she barely acknowledged my presence unless she wanted me to do something 

"Girl, you dealing with baby mama drama this young. What does Luke have to say about all this?"

Luke has always been protective when it came to Savannah, he never lets her go too far. That's why I don't worry about it because I know that door closed a long time ago

"Luke always backs me up" I confidently said 

Nia scanned my face trying to see if I was lying but everything was the truth. Our relationship was solid now and I was happy... even though some nights Savannah's words ring in my head. What did she mean Luke doesn't believe in love? 

 "Mmmm, I believe you" she paused taking a sip out of her cup 

We sat for a minute silent as we enjoyed the scenery and food. It was nice to have a girl friend to sit and chat with 

"Don't kill me... what's the sex life like with the white boy" Nia abruptly asked 

We both began to hysterically laugh. Nia had a very animated personality and never held back from questions. Most think she oversteps but I find it comforting, growing up I didn't have any siblings to joke around with like this 

"I sadly can't answer that as it is nonexistent" I watched her face blow up in shock 

"How-" she began but I wasn't ready to talk about this again 

"Let's save that for another day. Our lunch break is almost over" I said grabbing my purse

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