Chapter 3

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The next day

The trip to town definitely wore me out when we got back nana made a big feast for dinner and my uncle came over. It was nice to hang out with everyone and experience the suburban life. 

It was currently 12pm and I had just woken up. I didn't start my new job till next week and I haven't been focused on figuring out how far it is and where I would be stationed. Nana had left this morning with my aunt they said they had errands to run so I was home alone. 

Getting up from the bed I went to the bathroom to wake myself up. While I was brushing my teeth I heard movement coming from the kitchen. At first I thought I was hearing things until I heard a loud grunt and started to freak out. What are the chances somebody breaks in while I'm home alone. 

I spit the toothpaste out my mouth and looked around for something to hit the burglar with. I only saw the plunger and picked up stepping outside of the bathroom. The man was moving around downstairs and I walked softly making sure he didn't see me. I made it to the kitchen door and saw he was walking outside to the backyard. 

 I took the chance and charged at him swinging the plunger at his head.

"Ahhh! What the fuck" he screamed after I hit him and tackled the man to the ground

"Get off me!" he tried to push me but I didnt give up. My parents didn't put me in self defensive for nothing in a quick movement I wrapped my legs over his waist and straddled the man holding him down with my legs

"Thats what you get for trying to steal from an old lady!" I cheered proud of catching him. My hair was all over the place covering my eyes as I caught my breath I pushed it out my face and was starstruck by the man under me

He was incredible handsome... like a greek god type fine. The dude was pretty buff and had tattoos on one side of his arm while he had facial hair all over him. I was so distracted I didn't notice him grab my waist and flip us over 

"Hey!!!" I screamed trying to move out of his hold but he was stronger than me

"What the fuck is your problem?" he yelled at me. The man looked so mad I became scared as he stared at me with so much anger 

"Luke? Oh my what's going on out here" I heard my grandmothers voice from the door

"Nana! Run and call the cops this man broke in and was going to rob you" I started to scream as she laughed at me. Why does everyone take me as a joke? I just saved her

"Oh, Evie you're such a character. Luke I apologize for my granddaughter" she said as the man named Luke got up and left me on the grass as he walked inside 

"It's fine Abigail" he said in a deep voice. I stood up quickly and rushed inside following Luke as he walked towards the door

"Excuse me! You owe me an apology" I stressed still rubbing grass off my shorts. Luke turned around and looked down at me he was at least 5'10 probably 6ft. We stared at each other and I became intimated by the intense eye contact

"Me? Lady you hit me with a plunger then claimed I was a burglar" he said in a deep southern accent. I became weak just hearing him talk for such a mean looking guy he was extremely hot. 

"Well... thats true bu.. but I didn't know you would be here" I stated refusing to own up to what I did. He was mean and didn't have to flip me so hard into the ground. 

Luke let out a scoff and turned back around to open the door "Abigail, I'll see you tomorrow to finish up your fences" he said leaving without even acknowledging me. I was complete shocked... he might have even the hottest man I've met but lord was he rude 

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