Chapter 5

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Nyx kept her eyes closed for the remainder of the ride, pretending to sleep as everyone spoke around her.

"What was that thing?" Calypso asked, squirming in her spot.

"A dementor I think," Hydrus answered, but his voice was full of uncertainty.

"You think?" Abe asked, "I thought they weren't here anymore. Or at least not in the train and by the school," he finished, his voice trailing off at the end.

"They should be gone. They should only be by Azkaban," Hydrus said, before standing and looking out of the window.

"Wake your twin, we're here," he said before heading out of the compartment without saying anything else.

"I'm going to go catch up with him," Abe said, whispering a quick goodbye before running after Hydrus.

Calypso sighed, moving over to sit beside Nyx.

"I know you're awake," she laughed quietly, poking Nyx on the side.

Nyx frowned, opening one eye to look at her, "how?"

"Your eyes twitch when you're awake but you're keeping them closed. It's actually quite funny," she snickered with a small smile.

Nyx laughed, sitting up straight and looking out the window, "and here I thought I was doing so well! I hope you were the only one who noticed."

Charlotte giggled, "I thought you were sleeping so I think you're good."

Nyx smiled, "thanks Charlotte."

"So," Calypso started, starting to get her stuff pulled from the overhead area, "how do you feel?"

Nyx shrugged, "I feel fine, still a bit tired but I think that's okay."

Calypso nodded, "Hydrus got a nurse to check on you and they said you should be fine," she said, opening the compartment door.

Nyx nodded, "well that's good to know," she said before taking one last look outside.

She stood slowly, grabbing her stuff. She looked down at her wand box, a gnawing feeling growing inside her stomach.

She frowned as she opened the box, placing her hand over her wand. Her wand did not snap into her hand like it did at Ollivander's.

"What?" She whispered, holding the wand gently in her hand.

There was no connection between her and her wand and she dropped it back into the box.

"Am I too tired and that's why the connection is gone?" She asked, putting the box back on top of her luggage.

She sighed as she walked out of the compartment, quickening her pace to catch up to Calypso and Charlotte.

"Calypso, do you still feel a connection to your wand?" Nyx asked quietly as she followed her towards the exits.

Calypso looked back at her and shrugged, "yeah, why?"

The gnawing feeling grew and Nyx bit her lip, "just wondering, that's all."

Calypso gave her a suspicious look before sighing and turning her attention back to the steps that led out of the train.

Nyx followed behind Charlotte and Calypso as they followed the students up the main path to the school. Her stomach grew uneasy as they got closer to the school, hoping her wand would connect to her again when she was well rested.

She could see the older students at the front of the line, huddling together as they walked up the steps.

She watched as the older students filed inside, while a man stopped in front of the first years.

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