Chapter 17

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Nyx sighed as she walked through the hallway the next day. Everyone was quiet as they walked, lost in thought about the new threat that faced Hogwarts.

Nyx bit at her lip as she walked slowly back to the Hufflepuff common room.

Classes were done for the day and she was anxious as she approached the staircases that led to the room.

"Wait up," a voice yelled and Nyx turned, to see an angry looking student walking towards her quickly.

"Can I-" she started as he grabbed her hand, pulling her firmly away from the staircases and into an empty classroom.

"Ow!" she yelped as she pulled her arm away, stumbling a few steps away from the student.

He glared at her, leaning against the closed classroom door.

"What do you want?" She asked, staring at him incredulously.

She didn't recognize him and she took a few more steps away.

"Don't pretend to be so innocent Nyx Scamander," he yelled, crossing his arms over his chest as he took a menacing step towards her.

Nyx took another step back as he approached, feeling her back run into a high table.

"I don't even know you!" She cried, looking around the room.

"It's funny that you don't know me. I'm famous now," he chuckled, taking another step forward before stopping, "we have more in common now than you think."

"In common?" She asked before shaking her head, "just tell me what you're talking about. You're giving me a headache."

He chuckled lowly, his eyes glaring at her with anger, "I am a squib now."

"A squib," she started before gasping, "you're the one that lost your powers by the Black Lake!"

He huffed in annoyance, "yes, thank you for catching up."

She frowned at his comment but kept quiet. She wasn't sure why he was getting mad at her.

She sighed as she thought. Wouldn't he want to be friends with her since she knew what it felt to lose her powers? That, of all people, she would be the most empathetic.

"You were a squib, but now look at you. On your way to be a first year witch," he started, taking a step closer, "I want to know how you got your powers back."

Nyx leaned back against the table, placing her hands on the top.

"I don't know how I got them back," she answered truthfully.

He frowned and shook his head, "why are you lying? You want me to be a squib forever?"

She shook her head quickly, "no of course not! But I seriously have no idea!"

He took another step forward, leaning towards her, "I will only ask nicely once more. How did you get your powers back?"

Nyx opened her mouth, feeling his breath fan her face. She closed it, gulping nervously as she looked around.

"Honestly," she started and he raised an eyebrow curiously, "you'd have to ask my twin, Calypso. She was the one that got my powers back!"



"Yes," he said, grabbing her wrist tightly, "I guess I'll have to get you to tell me the truth in a different way."

She shrieked as he pulled her roughly away from the table. Her hand felt bruised as he pulled her towards the classroom door again and she felt helpless as she tried to pull away from his tight grip.

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