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I swear I could burst with rage seeing Taehyung here. Of all the places in the world he could teach, he had to be right here. I take a deep breath and close my eyes, trying to calm myself so I don't commit a crime.

As soon as the bell rings, signaling that class is over, Rosé gets up to leave, but I stop her. I NEED to know what he's doing here.

"Jennie, what do you plan to do?" not even the blonde's urgent tone is able to stop me when I'm heading towards Taehyung.

"What the fuck are you doing here? How did a simple high school teacher manage to become a professor at a university?" I say irritated as I slam my hands on the table. Taehyung chuckles and stares at me with an amused look on his face.

"Hello, Jennie and Rosé, it's been a while." he stares at me for a few seconds before directing his gaze to the blonde beside me "I believe I was very clear when I said that I'm here replacing Professor Kang."

"An incredible coincidence!" I say ironically and he laughs.

"You're very nervous, why so much agitation? By the way, how is Jisoo?"

"She's none of your business." I press my fingers on the edge of the table to avoid punching this peace of shit. "Don't you dare approach Jisoo again or I swear I'll kill you!" I point a finger at his face that continues with the same expression of amusement.

"Come on, Jennie, before you cross any more boundaries." I feel Rosé pull me out of the room. Lisa is staring at us like we're aliens.

"What there was?" She approaches the blonde, picking up her backpack.

"Taehyung is teaching here." Rosé says in a fearful tone.

"Huh!" is the only thing Lisa says and I take another deep breath.

"So, Jichu said the password to her locker?"

"Angry cat's birthday here." Lisa points her chin at me and I forget why I'm so irritated. My heart beats faster as I realize that my girlfriend's locker password is my birthday.

"Look at her, she's already got that lovelorn idiot face." Rosé sighs and I feel her push me to walk.

After that information, I feel like I'm walking on clouds. Jisoo really is crazy about me, I don't need to have any reason to worry. This whole outbreak was just motivated by insecurity and paranoia.

"So what are you looking for?" Lisa says as we approach Jisoo's locker.

"Something very specific." Rosé shrugs and I lean against the side cabinet while I wait for her to open the door. I'm still daydreaming when I can concentrate on what they're talking about. "How long has it been since Jisoo touched that closet? What a dusty smell." the blonde wrinkles her nose and I start to laugh.

"A long time, we were sharing my books during classes. She said she didn't have time to be coming and going here." Lisa laughs and shakes Rosé to remove the dust.

"Oops!" Rosé says and I frown when she hands me a folded paper.

"It's the most recent thing here, the rest looks like it hasn't been touched in a long time." I take the paper from her hands and open it slowly.

"You have no idea how torturous it is to be so close and so far from you at the same time."

I crumple the paper angrily, trying to think of something other than all the irritation I'm feeling.

"Jen..." Lisa starts to say.

"It's a lot of coincidence all this. First what I heard at that party, that bastard's return, and now these notes!"

"But Jichu is not..." Lisa tries to defend my girlfriend, but I raise my hand for her to shut up.

"Don't mention her name to me, Lalisa. You really have no idea how much hate I'm feeling, because everything that's happening right now is her fault, directly or indirectly."

"Jennie, you're being unfair." Rosé rests her hand on my shoulder and squeezes lightly.

"Am I, Roseanne? Really? If she hadn't teased me back then while deciding between me and Taehyung, would this all be happening? And who's to say she doesn't even know who this secret admirer is? After she got involved with a teacher, I expect anything from her!" I raise my voice and feel my eyes burn. Once again, I'm crying over Jisoo and she's not even here to hear everything I want to throw in her face. "If it was the same situation with you and Lisa, wouldn't you be like I am? Suspicious and insecure?" I hastily wipe away the tears.

"Jenjen, what happened? Why are you crying?" Chahee is next to us, watching us with a worried look and I take a deep breath. "Isn't this Jisoo's locker?"

"It was nothing" I give her a slight smile. "Are you leaving?"

"Actually, I was looking for you. I wanted your company to go shopping, what do you think?" Chahee says excitedly and I see Chaelisa exchange a worried look.

"Jen..." Rosé says in a warning tone and a 'this is not the best time' look.

"Wants to know? I really need to have some fun and forget a few things, it's going to be great to spend some free time with you, Chacha!" I force a wider smile to Chahee who smiles widely.

"Excellent! I'll leave some stuff in my locker and we'll meet in the parking lot, okay?" I just nod and Chahee waves a light goodbye to Chaelisa.

"This is not a good idea, you are hot-headed, nervous with so many emotions today." Rosé takes my arm and I walk away from her.

"If Jisoo can have fun in a "competition" or whoever she's with, so can I."

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