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"You know, I think one of the reasons why Sooya is so hot is because so many people are drying her off." Doyoung sits next to me with a pack of snacks.

"Don't talk in that disgusting way about her." I say without looking away from the pool. It's having the last women's practice before the state competition and we're all here.

By all I mean Jennie Kim at one end of the stands, Sunmi at the other end and me in the middle.

"Are you never going to tell her?" I hear my best friend say with his mouth full.

"I'm still deciding whether to give up at once or wait a little longer."

"Congratulations, Kim, that was your best time." the coach claps as soon as Jisoo gets out of the pool and gets shouts of celebration. She just takes off her cap and smiles broadly as she walks towards Jennie, making me roll my eyes.

"I think it's pathetic that Jisoo forgave her so easily. The girl felt an insecurity of nothing and freaked out."

"And you were there to film and mislead her." Doyoung says scolding me.

"I made her friend happy, they should thank me." I shake my head in denial when I see the swimmer kiss the traitor "Jisoo doesn't deserve someone who doesn't value her as she should."

"And who values ​​it? You?"

"Yes, after I saw how angry she got with Taehyung here, it wasn't too hard to think of a way to get rid of him."

"Jinyoung" I feel his hand on my shoulder and face him "Were you the one who made the complaint?"

"No, but I know who did." I give a proud smile.

"Don't tell me you asked your ex to..." he trails off when he gets the right answer. "Dude, you're crossing the line. I told you, go up to her and own up to what you feel. Sooya would never stop being her friend because of that."

"Not because of her, but because of Jennie yes." I look back at the two, but Jisoo has already disappeared "I'm sure that when she finds out I'm her secret admirer, she'll tell Jennie and the nervous cat will ask Jisoo to do something."

"Sooya doesn't move away from her friends like that. You are mistaken."

"She forgave a betrayal. Jisoo is capable of doing anything for Jennie, she's blind."

"And you think it's your duty to make her see?" he says as I try to find Jisoo. She's just come out of the locker room and is wearing only her team robe. I let out a passionate sigh as I watch her.

"You're drooling." I put my hand on my face when I hear that, but then I hear Jennie's laugh.

"Jennie." I say without any trace of sympathy and she raises her eyebrow, with an amused smile on her face "Is there anything we can help you with?"

"Actually, yeah." she goes up another step, stopping in front of us "I would really like you to stop chasing my girlfriend." I blink a few times. There's no way she could know.

"What are you talking about?" I fake my most confused tone and hope it works. Jennie's smile gets bigger.

"We both know what I'm talking about, Jinyoung."

"I really don't know anything about whatever you're trying to say."

"I'll tell you just this once: stop." she says in a serious tone.

"Jennie, I think you're more paranoid than before, because I have no idea about this." I say when I see Jisoo approaching us.

"Hey!" the swimmer backhugs her girlfriend with a huge smile on her face and I force a friendly smile.

"Congratulations on the record time, Sooya." Doyoung says while trying to break the tension.

"Thanks, boys. I'll try to watch your training tomorrow." I open a sincere smile and listen to her.

"Isn't it tomorrow that we would go to the cinema, Chu?" Jennie pouts as she turns to Jisoo who frowns in confusion.

"Oh, that's right! I'm glad I have you to remind me of things." Jisoo laughs and squeezes her girlfriend's cheeks "Sorry, but promise I'll watch your competition."

"We'll!" Jennie turns to us with an annoying smile on her face and I just force a smile back.

"Okay, Sooya." Doyoung says and I just nod. I watch them go down the stairs hugging each other and I take a deep breath. "Jennie knows."

"There's no way for her to know, Doyoung." I say with irritation.

"Jinyoung, she knows. She just didn't say it with all the letters. Do you realize how dangerous this is for you?"

"She may suspect, but she's not sure. Besides, how is she going to prove it to Jisoo? It's impossible." I say with conviction.

"You're too confident." he shakes his head in denial.

"I need to find something to use against her." I say as I stand up while trying to think of something.

"You have to tell Jisoo." he gets up too "She won't be as understanding as she was with Jennie if she finds out about your platonic passion from her girlfriend."

"It's not that simple." I run my hand over my face, not knowing what to do.

"Drink and declare, but do it before Jennie does." he says as we go down the stairs "You almost did it the day you broke up with your ex, but no one told you to throw up."

"She would say that I was only saying all that because I was drunk."

"And she would probably be right." Doyoung lets out a chuckle. "But be a man and assume your feelings before it's too late."

"While Jennie is on the game, it will always be too late, Doyoung."

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