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I was working in my room and heard voices of shouting. I go out that girl and chatterbox are quarreling.

-"I said don't call me that."

-"Little little little."


Why they are fighting like kids. I enter the kitchen and she splashed water on me. I look at her angrily jug fell from her hands her mouth gaped.


Rehan started laughing.

-"Don't laugh at me."

He continued laughing I grabbed a jug and threw water on him. She threw flour on him.

-"You had thrown water on me na Now my revenge has completed."

I threw an egg on him.
-"Now it's completed."



She guessed it right. We both started laughing on him.
He made an angry face and stomped foot on ground. The servants also started laughing.
Me and her gave a HiFi while laughing.

-"You both are bullying me. What wrong had I done?"

-"You had thrown water on me."

-"And were laughing at me."

Rehan's phone rang he left. I looked at her she is looking so cute while laughing. I left and changed my clothes. I came downstairs and heard something

-"No ma'am you don't have to do it."

-"But why?"

Now what this girl is doing. I go near kitchen and what I saw made me shocked.

-"I had made this mess so I'm cleaning it up. What's wrong in this."

-"Ma'am it's our duty we can do it. And if Sir get to know....."

-"He will do nothing. You called me ma'am na so it's my order. Am I clear?"

-"Yes Ma'am."

She smiled after saying Am I clear. Oh so she is copying me. I smiled.

-"Eighth wonder of the world! Faisal Khan smiling."

I turned and it's that chatterbox. I go to balcony he followed me.


He showed me a video it's of me and Zoya laughing and giving HiFi.

-"You had recorded it."

-"How can I miss eight wonder. You know it's first time I saw you laughing after that."

Our smile faded remembering that.

-" Don't you think Zoya resembles her so much?"

-"You know what you are speaking?"

-"Yes. I mean it. It's been only 2 hours since she had come and look your penthouse has become home, you......"

-"Just shut up! Don't you dare speak one more word. No one can resembles her and a cheap girl like Zoya...... Never!"

I left the house. How can he compare some cheap girl with her.


I came out from kitchen and heard Faisal calling me cheap then he left the house angrily. Of course he'll call me cheap I married him for money. I go to Bhai he was staring at sky sadly and he was crying? Bhai and Faisal had a fight because of me. Is he sad because of that? I put my hand on his shoulder

-"Bhai what happened? Why are you crying?"

He said without looking at me.
-"Nothing. I was just missing someone."


-"An angel just like you."
He said looking at me with smile.

-"What do you mean?"

-"Nothing. Come let's have dinner."

We had dinner then Bhai left. I go to my room and arranged my belongings then I studied till 1:00
It's my usual. I was thirsty so I go to kitchen for grabbing a water bottle. I heard a sound on door so I go to check. Here Faisal is standing he started walking to staircase but he is not able to walk properly. He was going to fall but ran and hold him I can smell alcohol.

-"Are you drunk?"

-"None of your business. Leave me."

-"But you can't walk properly."

He yelled at me and I left him.
He holds my left arm tightly and speak gritting his teeth
-"And don't you dare to touch me again with your filthy hands."
He pushed me harshly and left.

-"Filthy hands!" chuckle "I'll remember that."

I go to my room and slept.

I get ready for college, take my bag, go downstairs, had breakfast and left for college.
I reached his house in evening. It's like my usual routine I think nothing much changed.
I hadn't seen him today he left before me in morning and I think he will come late in night like last night. I wonder if he drinks regularly because I hate drunkards.
I know nothing about this person called Faisal Khan, and I don't know what or how much he knows about me.
This living being is very strange and very very arrogant.

I don't know when I reached 45th floor. Oh crap! I don't know the password. I don't have Bhai's number and neither of that arrogant being what should I do?
Think Zoya! Think! Think
Servants will be there stupid girl they will open the door.
I ring doorbell and guess who opened the door? Mr. Arrogant
He was fuming in anger glaring at me. What wrong had I done now?

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