44. A DREAM?

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In evening at nearly 7:30 I reached home. Smell of food is coming from kitchen. I immediately went there and found food on dining table. Who can cook this? And who came here?

 Who can cook this? And who came here?

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(Current look)

-"Welcome home Doll." Lucifer Bhai came from kitchen.

-"You?" I asked confused. "What're you doing here?"

-"I came to give you a surprise." He speak smiling.

-"What surprise?" I asked and he came to me. He put his hands on my eyes. "What're you doing?" He removed his hands and........

I found a tall man standing at some distance. I couldn't believe my eyes. I rubbed my eyes, but the scene was same. I involuntarily took steps forward.

I stopped reaching in front of him and his face is clearly visible now. I can never ever forgot this face.

My hand went up and I touched his chest very lightly. Feeling the warmth I immediately took steps back. My vision turned glossy. I again looked at his face, it's the same as it used to be, just his beard are more long and thick now, and he's wearing glasses.

Is it all just a dream?

To confirm it, I again moved to him and touched his arm. It's real. Tears fell from my eyes.

I turned my head and found Lucifer Bhai smiling at us. I again looked back at him and hold his arms. I looks at him from head to toe.

-"Faisal......" I whispered smiling and a sob escaped my mouth. I hugged him wrapping my hands around his torso. I felt him putting his hands on my back, I hugged him tightly and cried. His smell, his touch, his warmth, I was dying for this all. God saved me many times from death even when I myself wanted that, maybe for this day he kept me alive.

I inhaled his smell and my heart felt peace. I broke the hug and looked at his face. He also looked at me with something in his eyes that I'm not able to figure out.

-"Missed me?" He asked wiping my tears.

-"Missed you? I was dying without you. Where were you Faisal? If you were alive then why didn't you came earlier? Tell me Faisal." I asked while crying bitterly. I'm not able to stop my tears. The pain I was holding inside since these years is now coming out in form of tears.

-"Doll. Firstly have a seat baby and please stop crying." Lucifer Bhai said while holding my arm. He made me sit on couch. Faisal also came and sat beside me. Bhai sat on other couch.

-"Firstly I'm sorry Doll. I didn't told you that Faisal was alive and I talked like that......."

-"Why?" I asked interrupting him.

-"Because of that David. Faisal was found down the hill and his condition was very bad. If David would have got to know about him then you know what he could have done. So I didn't told anyone not even Rehan and you. And I never came to meet you because I was not able to see your condition. I'm sorry Doll."

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