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-"Him? You mean David?"

-"Yes. He..... He raped her."

-"HE WHAT?!" The statement that 'I'm shocked' is very less in compared to my state right now. I'm more than shocked. "Did I heard it wrong? What you said?"

-"You heard it right. He raped her and after that she committed suicide." He walked and sat on a bench nearby a tree holding his head in hands.

-"You never told me......"

-"What I would have told you? That Rehan had a sister and she got raped because of me. I had told you this?"

-"Because of you?"

-"He..... He raped her because he wanted to take revenge on me." He stand up and turned his back towards me.

-"Revenge? But why?"

-"I can't tell you."

-"Why can't you tell me?"

-"I told you na I can't tell you! Why are you not understanding?!" He yelled at me.

-"I'm not understanding? Yes. I'm not understanding. I'm not understanding anything because I don't know anything. I don't know what happened 6 years ago. I don't know how David is related to you and why he done that. But I know that it's hurting you. I only know that something very bad happened to you and because of that you use have nightmares. I only know that you are suffering. I only know that you are in pain. And I can't see you in pain. I can't see you suffer. Your pain is tearing my heart, it's killing me." He looked at me directly in eyes like he's trying to finding something.

-"What about you? Are you not hurt because of me?"

-"No." He came near me and hold my right hand above. He hold it from where it's bandaged I hissed in pain.

-"Then what is this?" He touched my head bandage "And this? You're hurt because of me. You're in pain because of me. And the same goes with Roshni."

-"I got hurt but it was not your fault, same goes in her case."

-"Then why she left me? If I was not at fault then why she left me? You will also leave me one day like her."

-"NO!" I hold his hand with my left hand entwining our fingers. "I will never leave you. I had told you before and I'm telling you now also that I'll not leave you, even if you don't tell me anything I'll be with you."


-"Promise. I will never leave you." I hugged him and he hugged me back pulling me close.

-"Jaan. I'm very insecure. Everyone left me. My best friend Roshni, my relatives and even my own parents. I have no one to call family except you and if you left me, I'll die."

-"Faisal." I look at him and put my hand on his mouth "Never speak this thing again. How will I live without you? I'm not leaving you."

-"Never?" He said removing my hand from his mouth.

-"Never ever. But if you yourself ask me to leave, I will leave and never come back again."

-"Even if I die I won't say that because you are my wife, my Jaan. You are my everything. And even if you yourself want to go, I'll not let you go. Because you are only mine."

-"I know my Mr. Possessive."


Mom, Dad and Bhai left just now and now Faisal is talking with Ms. Collins and I am standing near car. I had asked Faisal about Bhai and he told me that Bhai stopped meeting with Mom & Dad after Roshni's death. I was going to ask him further but Mom called us that time.
But where is Savio now? He hasn't came from that room yet. I should call him. But where is my phone. I checked in my jeans and jacket but it's not there. Then I remembered that Faisal had snatched my phone in penthouse. Faisal is taking too long, my leg is paining now. It's causing a lot of problem, whenever I walks more or stands for long time it pains and swells. So I sat in car and picked my bag from back seat. Oh crap! I forgot to bring pain spray. I put bag again on back seat and sat half lying on seat comfortably. Today was such a hectic day. I am feeling very tired. I just want to lye on bed and sleep soundly. But firstly I have to make dinner for my husband. He is hiding many things from me, I am very curious to know everything but I can't force him. His past and parents are the most sensitive topic for him and I don't want him to get hurt or get angry on me because of my curiosity. So I'll wait when until he himself tells me everything no matter how much time it'll take, I'll wait.
I fell like someone touched my hand I immediately moved my hand away and looked at left side

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