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-"Thank you Mr. Khan. We'll investigate everything and will provide you all information." Police commissioner said and I shook hands with him.

-"Thank you." I said and all the police team started to go. I turned back and found Zoya sitting on a bench, Abhi is sleeping on bench besides her. She is looking towards the cliff from where Muskan jumped. I know how bad she is feeling right now. Getting to know that her husband slept with another girl and even had a child.......

Even when I was in her place I felt so angry after looking at those abortion report. I can imagine her pain.

I don't even have guts to talk to her or stand in front of her. I am feeling so ashamed of my act. And mostly I'm angry on myself. How can I do that......

-"Faisal. Talk to her." Rehan said putting hand on my shoulder. I looks at him with guilt.

-"How can I talk to her? I'm very ashamed of myself."

-"If you'll not talk to her then how everything will sort out. And it was not fully your mistake. Go." Lucifer said and I walked to her. I stood in front of her.

-"Jaan. I want to talk......."

-"We should go home. Abhimaan is also asleep." She said and got up from bench holding him in her arms. Then she sat in our car on back seat. I glanced at Rehan and Fero.

-"You go home with her we will take care of everything." Fero said. I looks at Rehan

-"Rehan her parents......"

-"Faisal. Zoya is my sister, and her parents are like my parents. Don't worry about them."

-"They will live in Sheikh mansion." Sheikh papa said coming to me. I nodded. He put his hand on my shoulder. "Go to Zoya."

-"Sheikh papa. I'm ashamed.... How will I face her?"

-"She is your wife Faisal. And it's upto you how you'll manage everything. No one can tell you what to do. You're mature enough to handle the situation. And think from her point of view too. Go."

I sighs and walks to car. I sat on back seat beside her and Zack started driving the car. The whole ride was silent.

We reached home and she directly walks to Abhi's bed and made him lye there.

-"Don't worry. I will take care of your son." She said and was going upstairs but I walked to her and hold her arm.


She removed my hand from her arm without looking at me.

-"I want to be alone for sometime." She said in shaking voice and ran to room. I also went behind her. She turned to close the door but I stood in front. She looks at me with unshed tears in her eyes. This scene is breaking my heart.

-"Jaan... Listen....."

She closed the door on my face. I put my hand on door and a lone tear escaped my eyes. I sat on floor holding my head. How happy she was since morning. Today was our anniversary party and I thought to make it memorable for her that's why yesterday I had myself went to her parents and told them that I forced her for everything and I requested them to forgive us. She was so happy after seeing them. She was jumping here and there smiling but now......

I gave her pain. One more time I gave her unbearable pain. She would've been feeling dirty because I touched her after touching another girl. Now what will I do? How I'll have her forgiveness? And will she ever be able to forgive me?

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