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This girl annoys me so much. And at the same time I enjoy her talks. And when she asks me that biological names I get screwed how can she remember that. No one talks back to me but this girl does. I know she's behind money and with me for 18 months only. I just can't ignore her let side hate because she's the first girl whom I liked. The more I try to not think about her the more I found myself surrounded by her thoughts. I don't talk to her because I don't want to get hurt after some time she'll leave. So I'm trying not to get attached by her cause at the end of the day I'll be alone.

I have send Zack to London for some work and Rehan had also gone for some work so I decided to drop her to college myself because I trust no one more than Zack and Rehan. She's my legal wife and if any of my rival gets to know about her then they'll surely harm her for reaching me.

In car when she had asked me why I stays silent, I remembered the cause of how and why I changed. I like to talk to her but I can't do this. I had said mean things to her that time.  But she didn't said anything then left after wishing me day. (Wish or curse)
I was looking at her when I saw a boy hugging her and she was also hugging him back. Then he facepalmed her and said something then they left in campus together. I moved to my company.
How can it happen? How can she do that? It should have been me whom she hugged. How can he touch her face? It's my right only. She's mine only mine. No other man can touch her. I'm the only man who can hug her, kiss her and touch her. No one can take what's mine.
I reached my office. I tried to work but my mind was surrounded by memories of that boy and Zoya hugging each other. The whole day I can't concentrate on my work.


The whole drive was silent she hadn't spoken any word to me. Just looking outside the window. Can't she look at me or speak. I'm angry now. First she hugged that boy and now not talking to me. She hugged that boy na I'll show her how possessive I am.
I stopped the car and straight went to elevator without looking at her cause if I look at her then I'll not be able to control my anger. She ran behind me and door closed. We reached my floor she opened the door and walk in. I pulled her to wall closed the door and claimed her lips. I started kissing her possessively. I put my one hand behind her neck and other on her waist. She tried to push me but I hold her hands behind her and pulled her to myself. I kissed her deeply pouring all my sufferings since morning. She again tried to push me but baby I'm much stronger than you.
I let her go when I feel her struggling for breathe but I didn't leave her she's still between wall and me. I saw her face she's panting her lips turned red. I want to kiss her again. She looks at me and started yelling

-"What was that?"

-"Your punishment."

-"Punishment! How dare you kiss me?"

-"Why can't I kiss you?"

-"Because you don't have that right."

-"Oh really? If other man can hug you why can't I kiss you?!"
She kept looking at me. I yelled
-"Answer me!!"

-"What you're talking?"

-"I just want you to always keep in mind that no other man can touch you because you're MINE. ONLY MINE."
I leave her and moved to my room. I directly went to bathroom for taking a cold shower for controlling my anger. I myself don't know what I do when I gets angry. And today I kissed her but I don't regret it. The feeling of her soft lips on mine, the taste of her sweet lips I want to taste them again they're so addictive. The feeling of holding her tiny waist in my hands.
-"F*ck! What this girl is doing to me?"


He kissed me! Is it real or I'm dreaming. I pinched myself. Ah it hurts that means it's all real. I touched my lips. He has stolen my first kiss.
If other man can hug you why can't I kiss you?!
What he meant had he saw Adam hugging me? Oh so that was the reason. Did that mean he was jealous?
I just want you to always keep in mind that no other man can touch you because you're MINE. ONLY MINE.
Did he meant that? What if he not? I don't know. I went to my room sit on bed. I don't know why he married me? He is so rich, young and handsome he would have married any girl he wanted. But why had he married me. I don't know what he thinks about me? Does he hate me? Will we ever get along or it will continue like this? I don't know what future holds for our relationship. The entry of this man has completely changed my life. Is it for good or bad?
I sighed and went to get fresh shaking off all his thoughts.

Author's note
This chapter was to show what they both thinks about each other and their relationship. To give you a part of their mind so that it'll be easy to understand them.

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