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-"Hii." I greeted him.
He holds my hand tightly it was paining and dragged me inside in living room.

-"Leave my hand it's paining!"
He harshly left me causing me to stumble but somehow I balanced to not fall.

-"I had told you na don't leave my penthouse without my permission. Then why had you gone? Tell me!" He yelled.
He is looking very scary.

-"But I had....."

-"What you had?! You are living in my house do whatever I say and don't you dare break any rule of this house otherwise you will face consequences."

-"I had gone to college only."

-"Do the hell with your college! I don't care about your college. You will not go anywhere and that's my order. Understand?

He shouted so loud that I flinched. But I have to defend myself.

-"Look! you are not a dictator who will rule me. It's my life I can choose what I should do and what not. You can't force your orders on me."

-"Oh! you can talk back also. So, if you had forgot then let me memorize you..." He comes closer I moved back he continued coming closer and I moved back till wall hit my back. He put his hands on wall caging me. He bring his face closer to mine.
He said in deep voice.
-"You know who you are? You are MINE. Yesterday you had sold yourself to me. Since you are mine so I can do whatever I want with you and no one will stop me. So you will have to do what I ask you to and don't you dare to disobey me. Am I clear? AM I CLEAR?!"
He shouted and I nodded closing my eyes. He stand close for sometime then moved back. I opened my eyes and saw him going upstairs.
I sighed in relief. He is really dangerous. Oh my baby heart! calm down don't run like a horse.

It's 8:30 and I'm feeling hungry so I came downstairs and there he was sitting on dining table on the head chair eating.
Wow! What a manner. Doesn't he remembered that their is someone else living here who is also a human and needs food too.What else can I expect from a person like him.
Mr. Arrogant being, The most worst person on earth, The person who don't have manner, one the creepiest Homo sapiens ever existed on Earth, Idiot, Dumbo, Sulky, Rude, Mr. Grumpy and...... and........

-"What happened? Not able to find more cursing words."
He said while eating.

Was i saying that much loud?

-"Yes you were."

-"I.... I was not cursing you."

He turned his head towards me smirking.

-"Oh really!"

I moved towards dining table.

-"Listen you were just imagining I hadn't said that you are Mr. Arrogant and specially creepiest Homo sapiens."He looks at me weirdly.

-"So I am Mr. Arrogant and creepiest home safe......"

-"It's Homo sapiens."

-"Yes. Homo sapiens."

I sit on chair beside him and look at him confusingly.

-"You don't know Homo sapiens."

-"What language is that?"

-"WHAT THE HECK?! You don't know that word are you making fool of me?"

-"No I really don't know that. I'm serious." He said seriously.
I carefully look at him. His face is like a child asking question to a teacher. I tried to control my laughter but I lost and started laughing. He glared at me.

-"Don't laugh at me."
But I can't control laughter.

-"I said stop laughing."

-"What if I don't!"

-"Then I'll shut your mouth with my lips. You want that?" He said coming closer. I immediately stopped.

-"What happened?" He said smirking.

-"It's not fair." I said whining.

-"Oh really! And to laugh at someone who is asking you something that's fair?"

-"Sorry. It's human being."


-"The meaning of Homo sapiens is human beings it's a Biological name."


-"But how come you don't know that word?"

-"I'm was business student I hadn't studied Biology. But you are doing BBA right, so?"

-"I studied that in high school and I'm also doing a pre-med degree along with business and I'm pretty good at Science."


-"Yes. But how you know that what I'm studying?"

-"Like I knew your name. I told you that I have my sources."

-"Yeah I remember I don't have insomnia. Hey! don't tell me that you don't know what is insomnia."

-"I'm not a fool who don't know this common word."

-"Yeah you are not a fool but a idiot who didn't knew human beings." I said under my breathe.

-"I can hear you."

-"That's nice."


-"I mean..... That's not right. I can tell you more biological names if you want."





-"First have your dinner."

-"Then.." he didn't let me complete.

-"Then go to bed like a good baby you have to go college in morning."

-"Okay." He take his plate and started to leave. "WAIT!" I shouted.

-"Now what?"

-"You are allowing me to go to college?"

-"If I hadn't then would you have listened to me?"

-"No way." I said rolling my eyes.

-"Hey you! Don't roll your eyes on me."

-"What's your prob....... Okay leave it. Thanks for giving me permission Mr. Dictator."

-"You little......" He sighed. "I'm allowing you but with a condition...........

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