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My Cutie was crying that day and I was not there for her. I was very busy with work. My father has given me the whole responsibility of that hotel. But today I returned only because of my little sister and her grumpy husband who is also my best friend. We are so blessed to have her. She is the light in our dark world. I hope he will love her one day. When Cutie had told me about that attacks since that day I just wanted to go back to them. I was so worried and today I have finally got back here.
The car stopped and I get down along with Mark. I glanced at the tall building which is own by my friend. We went inside the elevator and reached 45th floor. The door of his house is open but why? Mark checked the door

-"Sir the door's lock is broken."

-"What? How can it be possible? Something is wrong."

Mark and me take out out guns. We moved inside slowly I signed him to go towards kitchen and I moved in hall. And the sight I saw in front of me, my mind stopped working. My cutie was lying unconscious in pool of blood.
I ran and sit beside her taking her head in my lap. Her whole face from left side was covered with blood, her right hand was badly hurt it was bleeding too. There was a lot of blood on the floor.
-"Cutie! Cutie open your eyes! Cutie!"
I said patting her cheek. Mark came running to me. Tears came from my eyes. Memories of that night came flashing in my mind when we had lost our Angel. I can't lose her again.

-"Sir! Sir we should take ma'am to hospital immediately."

I nodded and carried her in my arms running toward elevator. As soon we reached the ground floor my other gaurds came running there. Mark ordered them

-"Call Mr. Morgan and investigate everything I want report till morning."

I sat on the back seat making her lye putting her head in my lap, Mark started the car. I kept trying to wake her but she was not opening her eyes.

-"Cutie please open your eyes. Look your Bhai is here! You're scaring me."

-"Sir everything will be fine. Don't worry."

-"How can I not worry Mark? You know what happened that time right?"



It's 9:30 pm now the doctors are treating Zoya in the ward.

-"Sir they have checked the CCTV footage. It shows that six men entered the building after making the gaurds unconscious." Mark told Rehan.

-"Can we identify them?"

-"No Sir. They were wearing mask. Sir they have found Zoya ma'am's phone when that men broked into penthouse she had called Faisal Sir many times and....."


-"He didn't picked up."

-"What? How can he be so careless?"

Just then Faisal and Lucifer came running.

-"How is Zoya?" Lucifer asked.

-"Don't know. Doctors are treating her but she had lost a lot of blood." Rehan answered.

-"She was calling you where were you busy?" Rehan asked Faisal.

-"He had answered her calls if he would have trusted her." Lucifer said hatefully looking at Faisal.

-"What do you mean?" Rehan asked.

-"Ask him yourself."

-"Faisal what is he saying?" Rehan asked Faisal. But he stayed quiet keeping his head down.
"Faisal say something."

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