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I woke up and found myself sleeping on couch in hall. I felt disappointed. Whenever I sleeps at unusual places Faisal used to carry me and tuck me in bed. But today......

-"Faisal!" I shouted.

"Faisal where......" Realisation hit me and I remembered that he is not here.

"I miss you Mr. Grumpy." I said sadly and got up from couch.

I took a bath and my mobile phone rang. It's an unknown number. Should I pick it or not? I should not. I didn't picked it. It again rang.

Maybe I should pick it up. I answered the call

-"Hello!" A man speaks from other side.

-"Hello. Who are you?"

-"You know me Zoya."

-"How you know my name?"

-"I know many things about you."

-"Listen Mr. If you're one of that men who have called again to threaten me, then keep in mind that you can't do anything. I'm not afraid of your boss and......."

-"Hey! Zoya it's me. Jay."


-"Yes. I'm Jay your friend."

-"You stupid Mr. Jay Welson! Are you mad or what? Who calls like this? You know I thought that again those men called me. Idiot!"

-"Sorry. But whom are you talking about?"

-"Actually...... that...... I'll tell you when we'll meet."

-"Fine. I have also called you for that. It's 10 am now, be ready at 1 pm. I'll come to pick you, okay?"

-"Okay. Bye."

I ended the call and sat on couch near window. I unlock my phone and a smile crept on my face looking at wallpaper. You can guess whose photo is this. It's our photo which was clicked on his birthday by Rehan Bhai. In it he's wearing birthday cap and feeding me a piece of cake with his hands.

I called him, his phone is switched off. I again called him and got the same answer.

I went downstairs and heated noodles and parantha that mom has sent. I had my breakfast and got ready for going out.

I wore a black sweatshirt, dark blue jeans and black sneakers. My phone rang, it's Jay's call. He told me that he's outside. I took my sling bag and left downstairs holding my phone in hand.

I again called Faisal I got the same answer. This man! Just come back then I'll tell you.

I called Rehan Bhai and went in elevator.

-"Hi cutie!"

-"Bhai. I'll surely kill your best friend this time."

-"What he has done now? He's not even here."

-"That's the problem. He hasn't called me and now when I'm calling him his phone is switched off."

-"He hasn't called me also. I think he would have called Fero."

-"Okay I'll call him. Bye."

I ended the call and called Lucifer Bhai. He picked up the call and elevator door also opened.

-"How're you Doll?"

-"I'm fine Bhai."

I saw Jay standing. I waved my hand and moved to him.

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