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Days passed but he hasn't talk to me properly. It has been one month his behaviour is still same. He left early morning come home very late at night. Sometimes I slept, sometimes I waited for him and mostly I fell asleep on the dining table waiting for him. He came eat but didn't woke me up I used to wake up 'cause of sounds of him washing plate or him waking me up after eating. Overall we hadn't ate together more than 3 times in this one month. He doesn't talk to me not even look at me. Whenever I tried to talk to him he simply walks away or yells at me. Bhai has gone to France , he's there since one month and I don't know when he'll return. And about Lucifer Bhai he's here only he had came to visit me many times.

Today it's 11:00 and there is not any trace of him. He usually comes before 10:00. I thought to call him. And about phone it was broken by that men but the day after leave when I went to college Zack gave me a box which had the latest model iPhone along with my sim card. He said that Faisal ordered him to give it to me.
I called Faisal he picked up in one ring

-"Hello Faisal."

-"Zoya you're fine right? Is everything okay?" He asked me worriedly.

-"Yeah I'm fine and everything is alright."

-"So why you called me?" He said coldly. Just a second ago he was worried for me and now talking as he'll started shouting any second.

-"Ac... actually I...I called you as it's... it's very late you hadn't came."
I stammered. I don't know why but everytime he speaks to me coldly or shouts at me I get scared.

-"I'm on way." He said and immediately end the call.

After recorded time of 7 minutes he came I was standing in hall but he didn't even looked at me and went upstairs. I got to dining table and checked the food. He came, sit and started eating I also sat and ate my food. Let me tell our sitting places, he always sits on the head chair and me one chair apart on right. After eating he asked me

-"Why you called me today?"

-"Because it was very late and you had not reached so I called you."

-"I think you had forgot something."

-"What?" I asked confusingly.

-"I told you to call me if it's important not for time pass."

-"I was not doing time pass I called you because I was worried."

-"Worried? You know what I don't care about your feelings. You don't have to behave like a typical wife or anything. I don't want your fake concern. Just keep it in mind that don't interfere in my life. I don't want useless persons in my life you just mind your own business." He said and get up.

A lone tear escaped my eyes hearing his hateful words my vision turned glossy I moved my head to another direction to not show him my tears. I don't want him to see that how much his words hurt me.
I heard footsteps fading which were indicating that he's gone then only I let my tears fall. I was feeling very hated. I was worried for him and he...
Since one month he is being an arrogant jerk here I'm always trying to be nice to him caring for him and he said he don't care about my feelings. I was so much worried for him it was very late and he said don't show me fake concern and don't behave like a typical wife.
I was crying very bitterly and was sobbing. No one has ever talked to me like that. I have never heard so much hateful words towards me. What wrong have I done? Why he's behaving like this?
He doesn't want useless persons in his life right fine from now on I'll not interfere in his life I'll also not try to talk to him or show him my fake concern. I wiped my tears cleaned the table and went upstairs.

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