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-"Where is Faisal?"

-"Ma'am, Sir left early morning."

-"Did he had breakfast?"

-"No ma'am Sir was in hurry so he hadn't ."


-"Someone is very worried about husband." I turned to the voice. Guess who?

He came and sit beside me on dining table.

-"Good morning Cutie."

-"Good morning Bhai. How are you? You hadn't came yesterday."

-"I had some important work so...... You tell you were so worried about someone."

-"Bhai! It's just humanity. You know I am a good human so I care about others not like that Mr. Arrogant."

-"Mr. Arrogant?"

-"Your friend CEO Faisal Khan."

-"Ohh.. I can sense he had done something."

-"Yes Bhai. You know yesterday he said that I'll not leave the house without his permission and then he hadn't called me for dinner, mannerless." I complained.

-"You're right."

-"What right?! Tell where he is?"

-"Why? Missing him?!"

-"Missing him! No way. It's just he said that I'm allowed to go college but with one condition."

-"What's that?"

-"I don't know. He said that he will tell in morning and look there is not even a trace of him."

-"He had gone to London for a meeting."

-"Oh I see."

-"Have you eaten?"


-"Come I'll drop you."

-"No Bhai I can ......"

-"No excuses."

-"Okay. No excuses. Let's go."



-"So we've reached. Call me when your classes get over I'll come to pick you. You have my number?"

-"No. Tell......."

-"Hey Zoya!" A boy called her who was taking out some bags from his car.

-"Hey Adam!"

-"Come fast and help me pick these up." 

-"I'm coming." She hand me her phone unlocking it. "Bhai you save your number I just help him and come."
Then she moved to that boy named Adam.
I got the chance to check that number whom she called that day. I note that number in my phone.
I saved my number as Bhai and Faisal's number...... What should I name him? Mr. Arrogant!

-"Bhai! I had not wasted your time, right?"

-"No Cutie. My time for you is not waste. You are very precious to me."

-"Bhai, don't you think that you are trusting me so much and too early. We've only met for like two days. What if I break your trust?"

-"You're scaring me." I put my hand on my chest. I think she's kidding but her face is serious.
I sighed. "Look Cutie you know there is a special talent in me I can tell by meeting someone only one time that he is trustworthy or not. And you are my little sister."

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