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-"Come sit."
I sat on the couch he came and sat beside me. I looked around it's a very big restaurant. I liked its design. The table on which we are sitting it has two big couches on either side but he sat on the same couch as me. There is a big chandelier on the roof in middle. Even the design of this restaurant is shouting how expensive it is. Just then a man approached us

-"Good morning Sir. Good morning Ma'am."

I wished him smiling but this emotionless robo with me

-"Morning." He also wished him back but his face has turned to his cold grumpy arrogant CEO mode.

-"How're you Sir? You have came here after a long time."
Oh! It means he comes here often.

-"Yeah. So everything going on well right? I've also seen the reports you're doing very well."
Reports? Is he the owner of this place?

-"Thank you Sir. So what will you want to have?"

-"Bring my usual and you....." He looked at me "Pasta?" I nodded but how he knew? "Bring pasta, orange juice and hot&sour soup."
Then that man left.


-"It's very tasty. You'll like it."

-"And how you know that I like pasta?"

-"I told you na that I know everything about you."

-"Ya ya I know Mr. Genius." I was going to ask him about restaurant but he answered before asking

-"This restaurant is owned by me and it's also designed by me." Not again!

-"I haven't asked anything."

-"Your eyes does."


-"Your beautiful brown eyes tells everything. You don't know how beautiful they are."

-"Stop being cheesy!"

-"It's the truth." I rolled my eyes. "Hey don't roll your eyes on me."

-"I will."

-"Fine then I...."

-"I want to ask something!" I said before he speak anything because I know his answer will make me lost my words.


-"I.....that......that....." What should I ask? I've nothing in mind.

-"You have nothing to ask. Don't pretend." He declared and got busy on his phone.

God! What wrong I've done to you?! Why I can't lie in front of him? And I can't even hide my thoughts from him. That's not fair!!
A waiter came with our order and arranged it on table. I looked at his boring breakfast and make disgusting face but I hide it immediately.

-"Don't make that face just eat your food." He said putting his mobile in his pocket.

-"How can you eat this boring food?"

-"Because it's healthy."

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