Wolfie | 🧶 [SLOW]

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Hello! I'm Wolfie, and I enjoy reading, writing, and most importantly helping others

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Hello! I'm Wolfie, and I enjoy reading, writing, and most importantly helping others. I've been a reviewer for quite some time, and worked in various review shops, and judged in a huge number of awards.

Now as far as expertise go, I don't have a degree like some of the other reviewer's here, but I'm the top of my class in HS, and soon to graduate in pursuing a career in either creative writing or psychology. I take my responsibilities as an editor quite serious and do my best to work in a timely manner. I'm also a writer here on Wattpad myself, and the founder of this community.

Alright, the stuff you've actually been reading for, my favorite genres to read include pretty much everything except fanfiction, and any kind of story regarding kpop figures, the password is a water animal, I also dislike Sci-Fi, but I would read it if it's a minor genre that you have. I do read mature and lgbtq+ as I write both of these types of stories.

I offer 3 different types of reviews, and 1 type of editing service.

Review Type (1) is a First Impression Review; it's a very basic type review that will include the outside of your book, and focus on the cover, blurb, title, and first chapter, aesthetics if you have those as well. The payment for this type of review is a follow to my account, ShortyWolf20 and adding my book Click Play to a reading list of yours (reading isn't required, but appreciated)


Cover - /5
Title & Blurb - /10
First Statement/Hook - /5
Grammar & Punctuation - /10
First Chapter - /10
Aesthetics - /5 (only a bonus)

Overall - /45

Review Type (2) is a 3 Chapter Review. It starts to break down the mistakes, and find the plot holes, it's main purpose is to help you find the mistakes in your book. The payment for this type of review is a follow, a shoutout, and reading 2 chapters with at least 2 comments on each chapter for my book Click Play (the chapters cannot be authors note, or the aesthetics board chapter). The more effort you show me, the more I will show you; remember that.


Cover & Title - /5
Blurb - /5
Plot - /10
Flow - /5
Characters - /5
Details - /10
Grammar & Punctuation - /20

Overall - /60

Review Type (3) is a 5 Chapter Review. It'll give me a chance to dive into your book and get an idea of the bigger picture. This review will take about 3+ hours to complete as I will be spending as much time as possible looking into your chapters, and coming up with ways you can improve. The payment is as follows: a follow, read and comments on at least 3 chapters of click play, a shoutout, and click play gains a spot on your reading list. If you give me effort, I'll return the favor.


Cover - /5
Title - /5
Blurb + Logline - /15
Hook/First Statement - /5
Character Creativity - /20
Plot - /15
Grammar & Punctuation - /20
Details - /15

Overall - /100

I also offer editing services. I'll work through one chapter at a time, the payment for editing is leaving up to 5 comments on any 1 chapter of Click Play, this gains you 1 chapter of your book. You can request up to as many as you like (just make sure that I have enough chapters of my book to match the requested number of yours)

I hope that you find something here that interests you, if so please follow this form to submit request.


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Brief Summary:
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Reviewer Tag: ShortyWolf20

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