Chapter 3

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The rays sunlight came through the open curtains of the small bedroom. Lighting up the face of an annoyed Gravedigger who did not wish to get up so early, hiding his face behind the soft pillow. A knock on the door however, was enough to make him jump out of bed. He opened it to reveal... no one behind it?
Only a piece of paper laid on the carpet at his feet. Unfolding the note, he was met with the very bold script of none other than Scout.

"Hey, Grave'!
Look, Com' doesn't want me to talk to you anymore since you know...the whole titan thing.. But, Hey! I don't care! I think you are cool and I don't want it to end like this so if you can, meet me at the garage after lunch, no one should be there at that time.
- Scout "

Gravedigger wasn't surprise about the older man's decision. Sure it stung a little but he knows more than anyone just how hated titans are among the Towers. Pulling his hoodie on, he hurried through the hall, making his way to the infirmary. It was his first stop of the day before heading off to meet this slightly peculiar Tower.

The lady who introduced herself as Medic, from what he recalled, was standing at the front desk working on what seemed like a few documents as the boy stepped in the waiting room. Without looking up from her papers, she broke the silence.

"Hey there hun', can I help you with anything?"

Grave' lifted his head to face her as he spoke quietly, "I would like to see my brother...Molten"

"The visiting hours start after lunch, hun' "

"I-I know, but I don't think I can make it then"

"Oh, found yourself something to do around the base?"

"Y- Yeah!"

She put her papers away after arranging them neatly. Leaning deeper into her chair as she gazed towards the child, grinning cheekily. "Well, it would be unfair to let you in and deny other people entry"

The boy backtracked, "O-Oh-"

"Unless!" she interrupted, "This stays between us two"

He snapped his eyes back to her as she gave him a wider smile and a mischievous wink. The boy too couldn't help but show a shy smirk. Bowing his head, he entered his brother's room quickly.

Molten was hooked up to some sort of machinery, comfortably engulfed by the mattress he slept on. Seeing his brother so peaceful would never fail to make Gravedigger smile. He took a seat next to the bed, shaking his brother gently. And earning in return a small groan as he opened his eyes.

"Grave'? What are you doing here so early?" muttered Molten struggling to blink the foggy sight away.

"Came to visit you, dum-dum!"

He rubbed his eyes, sitting up slowly in turn. "Aren't the visiting hours later?"

"Yeah, but I wouldn't have been able to come."


"That's actually why I came here about."


Grave played with his sleeve as he debated how to put his little confession into words without worrying his brother. "I met this guy named Scout. He is pretty nice, we did that obstacole course just outside together and it was fun! And umm... He may or may not be a Tower-"

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