Chapter 57

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The night had passed by peacefully. To Grave's and Krampus' surprise, not one soldier raised a fuss over their return.

The concerned glances and muffled expressions of annoyance from some was all they received. No back talking, no trying to start a fight with anyone, nothing. Perhaps, this had become a mundane routine for them as well, tension cannot last indefinitely, the mind adapted to any strained situation with the passage of time.

However, Scout was undoubtably enthusiastic, in comparison to his peers, about his friend's return, though he did try to tone it down as the circumstances were rather grim. When they had arrived in the early dusk, Fallen had been rushed back into the medical ward. Yet, most tests did have to be postponed for the next morning as the patient was barely keeping his eyes opened at that point from exhaustion alone. And Medic herself still needed to prepare some equipment and write out some documents.

Grave was ushered by the Commander to spend his evening with Scout, no doubt in order to have the more serios discussions with Krampus without the prying ears of the children.

Thankfully, the next day, there were not any urgent hospitalized patients in the wing other than Fallen, therefore Medic could keep all her attention focused on him. After she had finished with Mortar, who was in for a check up on his broken arm, she had written out Fallen's examination file with the extra details she had encountered during her visit. She brushed up the paperwork in her small office, batting it all in a drawer under her desk.

She had already finished some blood tests that, in a day or two, would also yield results. The most peculiar thing however, was that though the man's fever did go down after a handful of strong pills, his physical numbness and his overall fatigue was not relenting even after a full night of sleep. Upon questioning Krampus about it, it seemed this has been a common occurance over several weeks now. She had checked his wound too and there were no signs of any sort of infection, if anything, it looked almost fully healed. His oxygen levels, although a bit lower, were steady and his lung seemed fine, it was mending along quite nicely.

It was all very strange. Even to her expert eye, a body that showed only signs of good health should not be acting this way. She had asked Krampus if they had any family illnesses he knew of. And reluctantly, he did mention his mother's passing and the road it took to get there.
She could tell it was a sensitive subject, so she had refused to make any comment, only listening carefully.
But something had caught her eye, a lot of the symptoms he listed were the same as Fallen's. And from Krampus' words this was not the first time it happened.
Before he had disappeared, over three years ago, he seeked the aid of their base as his brother had fallen ill without cure and they were not certain he would make it. A tinge of shame pierced her heart, she hadn't known about it when it happened, it was kept so tightly under wraps by their odd Commander from back then. It was only a rumor to her ears that a Titan may have pleaded for help. If she had known, she would have stepped in. War or not, Titan or not, no one deserved to watch their brother endure a cruel death that could have been avoided. And even now, she would do anything in her power to help.
Yet, the very world seemed to be against it, how can you treat something that manifests as an sickness but is not?
That, no matter how deep she dug for answers, there were none?
His body spoke of well-being whilst his condition made him look like a ghost.

With a sigh, her long trek down the pale painted halls came to an end.
She had reached infirmary room '206'.
With a gentle knock, she cracked the door open. A figure was laying slightly on their side on the white cushioned bed. With a loose navy blue t-shirt and grey sweatpants, their hair caught up in a messy bun. Fallen was still fast asleep, an oxygen mask hiding part of his lower face. Medic was expecting the serene sight, for a man that could snap any of them in half with his bare hands, he sure slept quietly. Without the rhythmic way his chest rose with each breath, one would think he had already passed. The sole sounds in the whole room were the machine keeping track of his heartbeat and the air vent.

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