Chapter 39

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TW: Blood (a little); Violence (...abuse??)

Frost Spirit felt his stomach grumble, he hadn't eaten properly today and it was starting to show it's real consequences. The dinner serving had already begun in the cafeteria but with no elder to accompany them he wasn't going in there. Too many Towers all in the same place, all staring at them every time they did as much as enter through the felt like a someone would try to snap their necks the moment they even sat down... He despised having to look over his shoulder every time he strolled down the halls or just breathed for that matter... But he knew Ducky and Molten were hungry too and it was about half time someone found Sinister so they could finally be able to eat in peace.
In his search, he trudged past the soldiers' dorms, keeping his head low with his hood draped over it. He really didn't want to interact with anyone right now...or to meet up with any Towers.. Because he couldn't find Sinister in his room and he couldn't be in the infirmary since he was coming from there, that left Void and Swordmaster's quarters as a final place to look for him.

Right as he was about to knock at the door, he heard some commotion coming from behind. Frost peaked through the keyhole, he could see two figures hiding behind it. One to the side, barely visible and another turned with his back towards him, fiddling with something... The silhouettes looked familiar...but the light in the room dimmed out their details.. For a minute it felt way too quiet and instinctively the young man stopped his breathing. Being caught would make things way too awkward for his liking....Soon enough, the discussion began, Frost Spirit carefully studying the present voices.. One seemed to be the higher pitched southern accent of his uncle, Sinister...and the other deeper, more baritone like coming from his grandfather Void... He closed in once again, right as Sinister lead the conversation.

"...Aight', you took me away from helping the lady and you brought me here, for wha'?"

Silence.. Void Reaver wasn't even glancing towards him, he just kept playing with the glass on his desk.
Good Creator, this really felt like he was a child he was waiting to be yelled at for another prank he pulled... Except then, it was funny.. He was happy...Man, he missed those times..Now it felt like the calm before the storm...It was unnerving and strange.. He didn't know what to expect, especially after the last few meetings when they have been at each other's throat each time... At least there were people there... To stop them in case things got out of hand... Sinister grimaced as the memories of Fallen flooded back to him... His older brother... on the floor of his own room, clutching his arm, with blood seeping down...What the heck did Void do to him that night? And why didn't he bother to check on Fallen ever since? Creator how dumb could he be...Was the same fate awaiting him perhaps? A wound as a gift from his adoptive father?

Sinister snapped his head up as Void turned around, it almost felt like he was reading his mind by pure reaction alone.. The elder leaned back on the wooden desk, still not looking his son in the eye.

"... I know you were the one behind Swordmaster's change of heart."

The younger Titan was taken aback, he stared at his father, trying to process his words, "... Wha'?"

"You heard me well, Sinister. I know you and the little Medic have been planning things behind my back."

"The heck ya' talking about?!"

Void Reaver scoffed as he stood up, "Ohhhh, Sinister stop acting like a naive child! You think I wouldn't notice my own partner's changed demeanor? That all of a sudden he wished to perform the incantation after weeks of denying it?! Surely, the tiny Tower couldn't have convinced him all on her own! You know well he doesn't change his mind that easily unless.." he paused taking a deep breath, his expression darkening as he finally locked eyes with his son,
" ...Unless the two of you were threatening him.."

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