Chapter 54

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TW: blood, corpses (not too graphic descriptions, light mention)

Accel found himself driving mindlessly down the dirt beaten path leading into the forest. His eyes were on the road lit by the headlights but for the life of him he could not remember how he even got in the jeep. The past few hours he had been working on auto pilot, he could not recall getting out of bed or talking with anyone today. He had prepared beforehand for his "trip", if he hadn't he probably would have forgotten most of his supplies. The extra pistols next to his own freshly charged blaster, the backpack filled with maps of the region, water, food and everything in between. He had also already asked for his leave from the Commander, under the pretext he wished to visit his ill cousin, which the gullible man, of course, fell for. Accel couldn't be surprised anymore, he knew he had the man at his pinky. Even if he had told him he just wanted a vacation, despite soldiers getting punished for such a bold ask, he would have let him go in a heartbeat.

Blinking the fog out of his eyes, he focused back on the road. Pines pushed past him in splatters of dark green and pale browns against the darkened sky, the occasional bush rustling from the movement of a forest dweller. He had watched plenty of horror movies that started off like this, he could even see DJ before his eyes cowering into the pillows of the couch every time a tree branch moved. Heh...It had been a while since they had a movie night.

He shook himself out of his thoughts, pulling to the side of a clearing as he cut his engine. Accel leaned back into his seat, the leather cold against his neck.
On quiet nights like this one he would sneak outside his room after curfew, climbing up to sleep on the rooftop. He had made a deal with Ranger to not tell anyone if he spotted him.. Sometimes he even went to keep him company in the tower whilst he was on watch duty.
The wind blowing against the windows lulled him to sleep and despite often forgetting how chilly it could get up there, he would always wake up wrapped in a blanket with Ranger rushing him in time for training.

"Took you long enough"

The sound of a female voice bounced off the trees, his eyes snapping open as he sat up straight.

"My lady-! You are-"

"Waiting? Why yes I am."

Caster jumped down from the thick branch she had sat on. Her fiery pink eyes, souless to those who cannot read them, filled with shape and meaning to those who can, were the only thing distinguishable from her shadow.
Her dark cloak aided her well in hiding in plain sight. She strode across the clearing, the wavy grey hair that cascaded down her shoulders bounced as her face was lit by the crescent moon.
Her glowing horns hidden by her hood.
She was outstanding through and through... Accel offered his hand to her, never taking his eyes away, as she climbed up into the jeep.

"So, I heard from a little bird that my dear 'family' left the base earlier. Know anything abot that, hmm?"

The Tower snapped out of his trance in the flick of her fingers. Right. The plan.
It hadn't gone exactly how they had hopped.. He could no longer keep the Void family under his surveillance. With Frost Spirit not nearly enough hurt to warrant a stay and with Fallen walking around again, the Titans departed.
Not to mention with someone as ancient as Void, cameras around the perimeters of his land were unheard of. He had nothing to hack into. Nothing to spy with. At the base the Tower had full reign of the security sistem. He watched their every move but now he could not.

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